And I'm not talking about 2007 Chico with autistic photos on his Facebook, I'm not talking about 2008 Francisco who won the Ford Men's Supermodel of the World in Sao Paulo and then won a Ford modelling contract and worked for Dior Homme, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, DSquared, Gucci, Cavalli, Armani and others, I'm not talking about 2016 post-prime bearded Chico with two kids and married with Jessiann Gravel Beland, hell, I'm talking about 2010 Francisco with perfect facial harmony and universal appeal, 6'5" tall with perfect frame and bideltoid breadth, completely hooded eyes with aegyo sal and neutral canthal tilt with no scleral show and no upper eyelid exposure, flawless skin and perfect facial leanness, 1.88 fwhr, 0 on the NW scale, 7 cm interpupillary distance and 14.2cm of zygo width, forward grown maxilla and jawline with a massive skull.Francisco Lachowski comes very close to perfection. There are virtually no flaws in his facial appearance, the only flaws can be drawn when we go below the neck.. which is irrelevant when you consider his facial aesthetics.He has perfect maxillofacial growth which becomes evident from the zygomatic arches that project wide (adds facial width) and are round in shape in the tipping points. The nose is perfect: straight nasal septum indicates the face hasn't grown vertically more than it should at any point in developmental time so it doesn't appear hooked, it is also devoid of any obscure mal/formations, crookedness or deviation (some of which are typically caused by allergies or force trauma).He has near perfect dentofacial growth.
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Chinese German with gay eyebrows
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>>18707156 you can post images again?
>>18707153 >>18707156 Meanwhile a 5' chubby neckbearded manlet has the whole Nato by the balls.
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>>18707153 why does he look so dumb tho
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>>18707153 Just fucking stop.
>>18707158 Watch out bro, you'll end up on the list
>>18707153 Also, he looks strange, kinda like some Alien or Kate Moss drug victim style.
90s Brad Pitt was way more pleasing to the eye.
And oh boy, look at this
> 1.88 fwhr, 0 on the NW scale, 7 cm interpupillary distance and 14.2cm of zygo width, forward grown maxilla and jawline with a massive You obsess over things no one outside your mental illness understands. That is gibberish to successful people.
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>>18707163 Pitt has Hollywood actor halo.
Without fame, he's a Chadlite.
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>>18707153 Sounds like you are in love, when did you figure out you are gay ?
>>18707153 10/10 troll post.
>>18707158 yeah but he won't get worshiped by women so who cares
>>18707163 >90s Brad Pitt was way more pleasing to the eye. Anonymous
Anyone who posts in this thread denounces abrahamism
Anyone who posts in this thread denounces abrahamism Sat 16 Sep 2023 13:59:59 No. 18707170 Report Quoted By:
>>18707153 Check out those goblin ears
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why are guinea wops so narcissistic?
No matter how many times you post about this guy we will never fuck you
>>18707175 great because i'm not into men
>>18707176 Yes you are dude
>>18707153 One eye higher than other, moles, lips are too puffy jawline too angled, horseface, brown eyes, he looks tall but that’s just the lack of comparison. Ugly clothes. Hair is too straight, I’m bored already but he’s a subhuman makeup wearing faggot pedophile who isn’t even human so no, fully af. Hell material for roasties.
>>18707177 nah i'm just autistically obsessed with looks
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>>18707153 I think Max Hamilton does look better and mogs him
>>18707155 Lol I forgot to burn his rug brows lol too much fugly to look at. Gunna puke.
>>18707156 Lol his nose wtf is wrong with it?
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>>18707181 >>18707178 are you fucking retarded
>>18707183 it's straight. i know you're used to yours being crooked
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>>18707158 How do you think the fugliest dudes in existence are high lvl masons who get everything? Satan will torture these fuglies for eternity. Literally the stupidest ugly devils.
Paul Newman is the most attractive person that's ever lived.
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>>18707162 Where Satan has his/her throne.
>>18707187 a literal meme pushed by kikes. would be posting on an incel forum in 2023. You wanna talk about old school actors, talk about this man
>>18707167 Anyone who doesn't care about women, that's pretty much half the male world. The rest is just simps and homos.
Just think of all the luxuries power can get you, and the sheer rush of having people do what you command.
Paco just has teenage girls wanting to fuck him, something that regularly leads to suicide later in life, as per most youth idol stars' biographies.
>>18707179 how do you look? imo nose breathing helps a lot to make avg guy's face more healthy-looking. I'm a wizard manlet but im very happy w/ face and dick size
>>18707182 by definition
Unfortunately, modern men are like this.
I blame tap water, söy and sugar.
>>18707190 looks go way beyond just women but that was the biggest example
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>>18707192 no, actually the definition is being attracted to someone of the same gender, which i am not
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>>18707153 >There is literally no man better looking than Francisco Lachowski would you like his asshole if he ran out of toilet paper?
>>18707191 that's all a cope, mewing, nosebreathing etc. This guy is a literal mouth breathing drooling autist and he looks like this
>>18707185 Did he get a swirly from the gang before that pic got taken? Lol fugly. Admit it you’re a faggot pedophile who’s into children.
>>18707167 >basing your worth on the opinions of women I take it back you aren’t gay, fags aren’t even that pathetic
>>18707197 you cannot be coping this hard
>>18707189 Wasn't that the sidekick of Cage in Lord of War?
I can't remember his name.
>>18707196 So???
Men’s value isn’t in their looks in it’s what you can build in the world
>>18707189 i spent 5 minutes comparing alain delon to paul newman before i posted what i posted. paul newman is more attractive.
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>>18707200 no, his name is alain delon
>>18707196 I mean I've given up on women at this point but I've noticed a lot of mouth breathers with crooked jew nose and nasally voice
>>18707202 the point was that environment doesn't dictate looks
>Men’s value isn’t in their looks every single person in society seems to think otherwise
>>18707202 >it’s what you can build in the world nigger what does that even mean? What exactly do men "build"? Sounds like a hardcore cope to me.
>>18707199 You’re pissed I’m roasting the white chink ugly nephilem who’s not as beautiful authentic human as me, and probably some others here who noticed other fugly features. You’re ugly af just by believing this sun-human “it” has something in life you don’t have. Write that creature a love letter expressing your infatuation, very unattractive of you.
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>>18707167 He does. On a daily basis. Zelenski.
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>>18707207 >>18707206 Social media has turned zoomer men into defective women
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>>18707205 Don’t forget that bobbing adams apple that makes Jews look like vultures from profile view Kek op getting worked for being a sodomite homo.
>>18707208 he's not even a chink he's 99% european, polish portugese and german
>>18707206 No you’re just stupid.
>>18707211 Both are ugly to me but I have streets of twinkies staring at me nightly so ya. See the difference is they sold their souls for whatever, i constantly burn females, it’s a psychic thing, you infatuate so you get that. I reject do they attract. You’re just ugly and stupid on every level man.
>>18707207 Men literally build everything.
Being hot might get you laid sometimes, building a life a woman is proud of will get you a wife and family
>>18707206 If that was true people would know this dude by name I only know he exists because of you posting threads about him on /pol/ nobody knows nor cares who the fuck this guy is
>he’s become a low level millionaire based on his looks So do thousands of literally who women showing their assholes on onlyfans. So???
>>18707215 >>18707214 ah so you're schizophrenic. explains you believing chico is ugly
>>18707211 Thank you for proving my point for me.
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>>18707213 Females prefer elven nose with upturn, not weird Christmas jewbulb nose with Claire’s retard nostrils. Kek get laid loser.
>>18707216 >So do thousands of literally who women showing their assholes on onlyfans. So??? so it's incredibly hard for a man to do. any woman over a 4/10 can do so. you need to be near flawless as a man to pull it off
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>>18707217 Cope more ugly loser. Try selling your soul.
>>18707218 proved your point how exactly. even that faggot marlon brando mogs that jew to suicide
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>>18707220 No even then it fails, literally just sell your soul for actual results. The other way is reject impurity with God, it’s weird but they flock the harder you resist. Try it.
>>18707216 >will get you a wife and family Ah, so it'll get you a second-hand cumsock that spent its best years getting jizzed into by the hot guys and only settled for you at 25+?
Damn, sounds like a dream. I'm going to get up and start building then.
>>18707223 When the adreno runs out lol
>>18707220 And it’s incredibly hard for any woman to be successful at anything that isn’t using her body between the ages of 14-30
My wife has like double the education I do and she can’t even get within 30k of my salary no matter what
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>>18707223 looks like utter shit. Fish lips jew nose and negative hooding with a hairline that has gone MGTOW. Looks okayish but nothing insane. He's in the league of a guy like CM Punk unironically. 5-5.5 PSL not fully chad tier
>>18707225 Fuck kid you’re so stupid. You’d sell your soul for my used exes that I dumped for being stupid it’s hilarious.
>>18707227 because she's stupid
>>18707225 You need to stop being online so much.
If you want a le virgin bride go to church and meet one instead of sitting online bitching about how some people happen to be naturally good looking
Do something with your life
>>18707231 church is the home of the used up "Born again" women that have had so many men inside of them the only male figure they can form a bond with is God
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>>18707231 Unironically this
>thread Anonymous
>>18707230 No because she’s a woman and they don’t have the natural drive and inclination to push for better pay
>>18707226 He aged better than brando or delon
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>>18707158 Only men love Putin, so in this argument that's irrelevant. He's kinda like Caesar in this regard, no women ever lusted for him but men think about his accomplishments all the time.
>>18707235 no he fucking didn't lmao. Delon looks like this at 85ish. I don't think you realize how insane it is for a man of his age
>>18707232 What do you want dude? What are you looking for?
Why do you spend hours online idolizing some already washed up male model that nobody ever knew existed besides people who were into modeling as an industry and hobby?
You want a virgin bride? There might be liars in churches but you are more likely to find one there than outside of a church.
You want a good career? You want a family?
What do you want? Because I doubt it’s to sit on /pol/ and ruminate on the unfairness of the universe
>>18707238 > nobody ever knew existed besides people who were into modeling as an industry and hobby? fucking cope he has more JBs in his dms currently than you saw in your entire life
>>18707234 I wish 4chan didn't suck. I was trying to upload this to compare. and i don't even need to bother with brando. we all know how that turned out.
>>18707229 >>18707231 >seething cucks who married second-hand grannies Church? Really, nigga? Church girls are some of the nastiest sluts you can find.
You both live in the capital of degeneracy. There isn't a single virgin woman in the muttnited sharts of jewmerica. They're born whores. Your wives are whores, your daughters will be whores etc
>>18707240 newman was at most 70 here. AT MOST
>>18707223 delon is 85-86 here
>>18707237 you can't compare
>>18707242 >you can't compare I just did tho
>>18707243 because you're a retard tho
>>18707239 Lmao dude I don’t even have social media I never started a Twitter or isntagram or Snapchat and never will
>>18707241 What do you want?
Instead of shitting on everything like some fat dike or terminally online tranny WHAT DO YOU WANT?
Men go out in the world and forge a life for themselves that is your duty and obligation
You and RomaniaFag are acting like passive women waiting for princess charming or ((( modeling agency))) is supposed to come sweep you off your feet and give the world to you
That isn’t how it works
>>18707245 >Lmao dude I don’t even have social media I never started a Twitter or isntagram or Snapchat and never will nice reading comprehension
>You and RomaniaFag are acting like passive women waiting for princess charming or ((( modeling agency))) is supposed to come sweep you off your feet and give the world to you >That isn’t how it works it is how it worked for him
>>18707247 mogged to death. ask any woman below 30. Delon shits on this kike's beak nose
>>18707153 Chico gets mogged by BBC bull
>>18707245 >Men go out in the world and forge a life for themselves that is your duty and obligation nice buzzwords.
>>18707246 >jb’s in his DM’s That is social media talk you fag
>that’s how it worked for him You aren’t him. You never will be. Based on your attitude I bet you couldn’t hack the schedule and pressure he had on him during his career because you are pathetic
>>18707251 Serious question. If you are so hopeless and trapped in despair why not just cut to the chase and kill yourself?
>>18707253 because I couldn't play vidya and shitpost here if I killed myself.
>>18707249 no he fucking doesn't. also meeks mogs this guy to death
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>>18707250 because roasties prefer more masculinity even at the cost of less aesthetics
>>18707254 Sounds like cope
Too much of a pussy to build a life, too much of a pussy to end it
What a fag you are. You should be ashamed
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You are all literal faggots. The state of /pol/esmokers in 2023.
>>18707258 I don’t know what a jb is but I know what a DM is why are you trying to pretend like
It’s not social media?
I don’t care about how many “dm’s” he gets that’s yet again another womanish metric
Now you’ll just post memes and non answers because you are a pussy bitch
>>18707260 everyone looks recessed at that angle lmao. also yeah, coloring alone mogs him to suicide. Mulatto cosmic race is only beaten by north atlantids specifically in coloring
>>18707263 You are way too far down this rabbit hole
Your obsession with male looks is toxic you need to stop
>>18707257 I stated my opinion about Paul Newman being the most attractive person to have ever lived. Why are you talking about women's opinions on anything? And you're wrong about who'd they'd prefer anyway. I've asked 'em all. Paul wins. They said yr guy looks like a fey david hasselhoff
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>>18707153 > no blue eyes Discarded. OP is a faggot btw.
>>18707265 your opinion is wrong
>>18707269 no response because you've proven that you're a retard
>>18707268 >>18707267 We get to this point in every thread with you
People try and pull you out of whatever autistic gay lookism shit you’ve lodged yourself in and you retreat into memes and no responses
I honestly wish I could help you
>>18707271 you can't even help yourself understand a basic comparison
>>18707259 I'd be more ashamed if I was shilling for the wife/ kids trap on 4chan.
>>18707268 I thought we were going off of what women under 30 think. What does my opinion even matter?
>>18707270 A dm is a direct message. You wanted tomprove me wrong by saying “he gets a lot of dm’s” I said I don’t even have social medial lmao then you claimed I couldn’t read
What is wrong with you?!
>>18707272 What?
>>18707273 >the wife and kids is a trap >the continuation of your family and people, the raising of a new generation and the creation of new life >a trap >being a good goy consumer doing nothing but eating and shutting and buying vidya and porn >not a trap You are lost
>>18707275 He got more jbs THAN YOU HAVE SEEN. Unless you're typing on a braille keyboard you should be able to understand this comparison
>>18707274 Exactly. It doesn't. Bur you share it and i point out how wrong it is
>>18707276 Yes, consuming vidya and porn is better than slurping up other men's leftovers, you complete and utter cuck.
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>>18707277 >jbs I don’t even know what that is lmao
>>18707278 But I've asked every woman on earth that's under 30 and they agree with me.
>>18707263 Mulatto negro la rid pheno does mog
But Meeks is a complete low class maxxed mulatto meanwhile
Broderick hunter is a low trust eyed red skinned Chad he mogs 99 percent of white man except the Russian from Rocky
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>>18707153 Didn't he get JUST'd by age?
>>18707281 I'm sure you have
>>18707282 Lundgren? Too ogre. Chico mogs
>>18707279 You are a dumbass lol
It actually pains me to know how broken some of you are. I never told you to slurp up another man’s seconds you utter retard
You are just pathetic and rather than be better you have convinced yourself a series of complex lies and justifications for why you are a fucking loser
>im not a male model >all women have been fucked by 80 chads by the time they are 15 >every woman who says she’s a virgin is a LIAR >even if I find my virgin wife she’ll KEK ME because I’m not a male model >im fat and autistic because the JEWS poisoned my water and goyslop >I hate this society but I support it by being a good little consumer of media and hot pockets Sad.
>>18707284 Women find men who drive race cars and speak coherent english attractive. Deal with it.
>>18707287 oh that i agree
>>18707289 The guy in the op
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>>18707286 muttniggerbro, I just said that your wife is a whore and so will be your daughter(s) and since you live in the US, there's a good chance your son will troon out.
>>18707285 Drago being mogged by a brown eyed twinkish chad is funny
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>>18707292 They're almost the same height but chico has a much better face
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why do all the pretty boys look like butch women? this lad needs some hairs on his chest
>>18707290 never heard of him.
>>18707297 Lmao keep posting that nct ridden cuck your kike propaganda won't make him attractive
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>>18707298 we literally just agreed that speaking coherent english was attractive and here you go with this shit.
>>18707168 ah yes brad pitt 30 years after the 90's isnt that dashing anymore. who knew?
>>18707302 >actually his canthal tilt doesnt follow a normal distribution only a student one, therefore the mean value of his brow ridge and the variance of his cheekbones arent linearly independent >0/10 wouldnt hook up on grindr that's how your posts read
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>>18707303 He does have a negative canthal tilt and negatively tilted eyebrows but his biggest issue is his subhuman nose that always shows his nostrils and his bloated jaw with no definition that makes him look like a chipmunk
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>>18707153 Not that he is the only best looking man alive, but he is definitely a 9.5/10 on chick magnet scale.
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>>18707156 who's this literal chink subhuman?