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The Catholic church is a criminal organization that collaborates with Jews and funds Hispanic migrant caravans into the US well using assets like joe biden to weaken the borders.
Catholicism has failed nine times out of 10 to produce decent societies. The largest catholic countries are mexico, brazil and the philippines, three of the most crime and poverty ridden nation on earth.
Of the six livable continents, one and a half, most of north america and south america, are uninhabitable not because of the jungle and desert biomes but because of the murderous dysgenic metizo populations.
Whenever a catholic country is seated next to a non-catholic country, the difference in quality is night and day. Compare mexico to the US(founded by anti-catholic puritans), compare the philippines to Japan(which correctly expelled catholics seeing their effects on the phillipines), compare mafia italy to germany. Historically, anti-catholic England was dominating the world well ireland couldn't grow potatoes. Poland, spain, Portugal and Hungary all subsist on hand outs from the mostly non-Catholic Eu.