>>18735479s4s is a fucking orphanage for discord attention whores, complete with manipulative groomers, pedophilic perverts, and namefag narcissists to boot.
bant is a fucking childs playground full of immature idiots who never grew up because they spent their whole lives on the internet, instead of having real life experiences and growing as human beings.
r9k is a zoomer highschool, full of retarded ecelebs who think popularity on the internet is the pinnacle of their existence, stupid failed chads who try to boast their insecure masculine persona through their insignificant posts, and fucking defeatist losers who can't stop focusing on everything outside of them that's holding them back from being happy.
qa was beautiful, until the attentionwhore idiots that took what once was a funny meme, the basedjak, and kept spamming it until it became so seriously unfunny, you'd think their dedication to this dead meme format was a plea for help.
4chan is so fucking shitty right now, it deserves to be taken down because god knows the site owner is too busy masturbating to his 2d virtual youtubers and gacha girls to fucking give a shit.