>>18738993WMAF is a god given gift. Like, asian girls and white men were made for each other, you simply can't prove me otherwise. Their petite body, softness, obedience, tightness, femininity, beauty, innocence were built to be harnessed by a big, masculine, tall, fit, pale, blonde, blue-eyed white man (a real man). Unfortunately for ricecels there's no competition, and it's not even close. Asian girls don't want their small tickly rice dick anymore, they want a real cock, a BWC that will satisfy them for days after days and make them have orgasms for the first time in their lives. Sorry for breaking it down to you riceboi, but it's over for your kind. The only way you can enter the game now is to join the girls as well and start pleasing white bvlls. First get rid of that useless thingy between your legs you call dick and release your sissy feminine side as you bow down to your white master and become a good servant for BWC today.