>>18752641From day one it was a halfbreed state with chinese coming way back in 1788 in large numbers as carpenters
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Canadians#Pre-19th_centuryAs well as being full livelihood status to settle in during the mid-late 19th century
As for indians, they have been coming in droves since the late 19th century to early 20th century already in large groups filling up entire cities, they where treated like royalty by the metis "White" canadians.
As for that, there has never been any Whites in canada. The first people who came to canada where Leif Erikson and his crew although half of his crew that came to settle vinland where eskimo-icelandic hybrids from the north pole.
After that, a racial stew of red indians, whites, and orientals but in the beginning with the French and British, it became metis and mulattoe. As for jews, this country was founded by rich liberal tory jews who were members of the family compact and ruling families as well as the parliment in Britain. canada was a penal colony for the worst of the worst on the isles to come and mongrelize even more with red indians. the founding fathers of canada where jews like john "nose" macdonald, george etinne cartier, edward (((baron))) chandler, oliver mowat, ETC
To top it off. canada never could've been white. People can not evolve, only devolve, they where from the beginning created as White, Brown, Red, Yellow, black as seperate races of the human species. But humans can devolve. And being placed in the disparate hostile climate conditions of canada as well as the rocky unforgiving landscape which cannot be cultivated will lead to racial degeneration of anyone who steps foot and lives in this hellhole
canada is a totalitarian multiracial zionist technocratic post modern toryist masonic satanic theocracy penal state.
That abomination you call canada is anti-White.