>>18757410"Paul" = Tiberius Julius Alexander aka Tiberius Claudius Balbilus aka "Josephus". Tiberius Julius Alexander was the son of Alexander, grandson of Herod the Great aka (king/Tetrarch) Ptolemy (Alexander) bar Menneus.
Tiberius Julius Alexander's brother was Marcus Julius Alexander aka Gaius Julius Archelaus Antiochus Epiphanes aka Izates II, King of Adiabene. "Izates" or "Izas".
And his mother was Cleopatra (Thea Philopator) Selene II aka Helene aka Drusilla of Mauretania aka Glaphyra aka "Philo of Alexandria".
This one jewish family destroyed the Aryans in the Middle East, India, Rome, and eventually the entire European race!