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ID:pPyMuuck No.18768479 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
She’s a femcel
And I made a thread about her
Said bitch go to hell
I gotta bonesmash for half an hour
Jaw is the law
I’ll mog you all
This whole forum knows who I am
And they don’t give a damn about me

Cuz I’m just a teenage incel baby
I got a wheat waffles rating baby
Rot on looksmax and discord maybe with me

Haha you know it didn’t have to be this way
It was over before it began HAHAAHA!!!!!

Her boyfriends a chad
It never begun for you
And her looksmatch
Is rotting on incel forums
While she’s sucking cock
I’m playing Roblox
But she doesn’t know who I am
And she doesn’t give a damn about me

Cuz I’m just a teenage incel baby
I got a wheat waffles rating baby
Rot on looksmax and discord maybe with me