>>18775920>Those same rights they tossed out for 9/11?The 4th Amendment was wrecked by this, this was their first victory. But never confuse conservatives with neocons, neocons are no different than democrats.
As for the other attempts to stifle the 1st and 2nd Amendments, who funded the elections of the court judges that are currently finding against the Bill of Rights?
George Soros, the libtards buddy.
What I say stands. The left are their own worst enemy, and they don't see it.
Do you think, if you "win", even one fag or troublemaker won't be rounded up and institutionalized or euthanized? Commies kill without hesitation or remorse, and all this fag shit & "activism" is nothing but a weapon against the west, if the west falls, those weapons will no longer be needed, and troublemakers in commieland end up in gulags, to slowly die.
History doesn't lie. And it always repeats.
As for minorities reproducing, the primary method of reproduction for them is illegal immigration.
If the nogs and spics were out-fucking the Whites, there would be no need for biden's open borders, would there? No need to count non-citizens in the census. No need for libtarded voting districts to fight voter ID's.
Where I live, you have to work hard to make any money, but we're all white, almost all trustworthy, the crime rate is utterly nothing compared to the cities, and nobody is arrested for saying whatever the hell they want.
Blacks and leftards don't like it out here, because nobody pays attention to their whining.