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Quoted By: >>18802584
If you coom to dick girls and don't coom to the thought of taking girl dick in the butt you're weird. The whole top/bottom dichotomy is used by gays as mental gymnastics so they can live a fantasy that they're straight. They are sucking up to straight men. Playing """penis games""" is a meme. There many and no one cares which ones you play. Why make a hierarchy with girl cock. If you're cooming to it and trying to be straight as possible with it that means even playing with the dick in any sense is off the table. The guy who doesn't get off to interacting with the dick is crowned in a sense even by many """tops""" because sucking dick is exempt from bum bum no no rules. Why even get off to dick girls if you don't want anything to do with the dick. If they're so """straight""" they might as well just get off to women without cocks. They are pretty much trapped by their desires. You need to realize if you're cooming to shit like sexy dick girls you need to face the fact that no matter what it's heteronormative enough and you don't need to do any extra shit to be considered heteronormative cause that's just try hard, reaching, mental gymnastics and makes you seem insecure. You can do what you want. But don't be so quick to judge.