>>18810582How's this for just a hypothesis - not saying it's true but hear me out.
The structure of the DNA molecule itself and/or the polar H2O molecules around it - it's creating an EMF wave that's recordable as a *.wav, but that same signal induces a resonance which self-assemble the polar H2O molecules within the H2O of the other beaker - then there's trace amounts of the building blocks of DNA, some ribose etc within the solution and it reconstructs/self-assembles the DNA strand or the nucleotides through some means based on that exact magnetic signature which corresponds with the EMF.
All it needs is 1 strand, maybe there is more to DNA and viruses than meets the eye... and I think the PCR has something to do with it, it's quite possible the PCR isn't working the way we think - it could work not by the presence of that DNA strand but maybe the H2O that's adjacent.
Plus these:
>CEM cells (leukemia T-cells) were used to culture the HIV but no EMS was detected at any level of dilution. However, testing blood samples from HIV-infected patients (including those with symptoms of AIDS, those who have undergone antiretroviral therapy (ART), and untreated individuals) showed detectable EMS from ART-treated patients with undetectable viral loads at plasma dilution levels between 10−4 and 10−8.>Excitation by the electromagnetic background of extremely low frequency (ELF), starting very low at 7 Hz. The excitation is not induced when the system is shielded by a mu-metal cage. The stimulation by the electromagnetic background of very low frequency is essential. The background is either produced from natural sources (the Schumann resonances [4] which start at 7.83 Hz) or from artificial sources.