>>18822936Caffeine is the worst. It’s basically bean soup that adrenalises your body (not gives energy) and has phytic acid and antinutrients. (It depletes magnesium etc)
A lot of plants are unsafe to eat as they do not want to be eaten and the nutrients you get from them aren’t even bioavailable, now this is SO MUCH WORSE when it comes to the bean/ seed. Try a coffee bean or jsut raw coffee powder- NOBODY LIKES IT, you instinctively know to put it the fuck down. We are socialised into drinking it and making it taste nice with milk/ cream and sugar- even if one isn’t addicted to caffeine, the modern human is probbaly only getting their tasty and good fat intake with the milk and cream from only their coffee. No wonder it’s so addictive.
I personally do like coffee I’ll admit it, but I do not drink it anymore. I am a girl and my hair was still thinning like crazy and doctors didn’t know what it was until I stoped drinking so much caffeine. It all immediately came back.
People I know who have thin hair me and women I’ve asked and they all have in common is that they drink a lot of coffee/ energy drinks or have stress/ no sleep that correlates with a cup of coffee.
Also rather get the rub on one