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ID:u+QHNoce No.18846080 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>wake up
>39 °C
>soaking in sweat
>an army of mosquitoes gives you dengue zika and chicungunya, again
>you actually woke up because of the loud speakers on the truck selling eggs and greeneries
>portuguese comes out of them
>tfw you just woke up to be remembered you're brazilian
>the day didn't even start and everything is already over
>apply for several jobs
>no one wants you
>gonna be neeting for a little while
>try to play some game to relax
>half of the players are cheaters
>the other half are tryhard whales, and, cheaters
>go touch grass
>it can actually be fine sometimes, even see some capybaras chilling
>get robbed in your way back home
>the crackhead get arrested soon after
>he was using a fake gun
>the bugs are waiting, time to sleep
>before sleeping try to take a bath
>electric shower with 220V kills you
>at least you escaped Brazil