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Christianity is the ultimate tool of White enslavement

No.18860045 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who is importing niggers into Europe? Christcucks. Who sends Israel aid? Christcuck politicians in the US.
Good shabbos goy, donate to the church and fund their immigration and pedophiliac schemes. And when you're done, donate the rest to Israel, you piece of shit.

Christianity is a scourge. It always has been, it always will be. It's been a bigger divider of whites than anything else. Nothing else even comes close. It caused the collapse of Rome and then followed that up by terrorizing the continent of Europe for a thousand years, murdering the best and brightest the white race had to offer, forever removing them from the collective white gene-pool. Then it caused another 300 years worth of brother wars after the "protestant reformation." And now christgolems are supporting mass-immigration, BLM, and homosexuality.