thing is in these high-stakes situations you're forced to accept the other person for who they are and that comes naturally from having to work together and trust each other
I know everybody in my team like the palm of my hand, I can tell their mood by how they walk through the door, I know how to push their buttons, I know how to get them in a good mood, I know their strenghts and their shortcomings, I wouldn't really be friends with anyone of them in other circumstances as we barely share anything in common, but these are some of the strongest relationships I have, we appreaciate each other, we care for each other, we back each other up, we know each other's families, we regularly gather just as a means to check up on how everybody's doing on their personal life, because if someone's doing bad then that can have a major effect on our work, thankfully that's something my boss has always protected, first and foremost comes squad morale and cohesion