>>18905046(I have no idea if those subtitles are accurate but for the purposes of this I'll just assume they are.) Judeosupremacists and Judeofascists are definitely very real and essentially have their own version of Nazi ideology. As are Islamofascists etc. Jewish supremacists are of course evil, just as all ethnosupremacists and religiosupremacists are. Imagine if every white supremacist who called for enslaving or killing non-whites were put into a collage. Even just the ones in /pol/ alone. It'd obviously be absurd to "judge white people" by that collage. Collective punishment isn't a logical reaction to anything.
A tiny percentage of Israeli Jews and an even tinier percentage of other Jews would agree with anything said there. Everyone else would find it vile. The people in the video look to be in the very cultish, extreme ultra-Orthodox branch of Judaism, as if a Christian were in something like the FLDS or Westboro Baptist church. They're very separated from other Jews, and I wouldn't be surprised if those guys also hated most Jews for not being extreme enough or not taking ancient religious texts seriously enough.
Plus, although I'm not certain of it, those guys would probably be fine with any non-Jews who converted to their type of Orthodox Judaism - like how extreme Islamists are with devout non-Arab converts - so it's largely a crazy religious thing.