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Why life like this?

ID:LYEMhjGb No.18906412 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>JEETs use my picture in arguments with western fags to show how pajeets look like handsome aryan chads. But...
>JEETs in real life will form unions against me when I am chatting up a girl
>JEETs will get defensive when their girl is just talking to me or simply oogling at the fine specimen that I am
>never had seggs with jeet's gf if he's a fren but
>JEETs actively tries to ruin my reputation by spreading bullshit which ranges from , "Anon is a fag" to "Anon ejaculates and evacuates"
>though it ends up helping me with da gurlza it feelsbadman that I can't trust a guy
>There's no true wingman, men always stabs you in the back even if you act like a commie and try to get a girl for him

American movies told me that if you are zack efron then men will send their girl to you for a lay.

> MF I have been betrayed by jeets and american movies