>>18911996>>445364994So our unconscious living processes can be described as artificial intelligence since they are governed by complex systems and patterns of self preservation that do not require conscious effort
Why not call it natural Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence indicates an external Intelligence has constructed the AI.
This implies our lives are products of supernatural design.
Then why can't conscious processes be considered equally artificial?
Unless our consious minds are not so much restricted to the body but rather the omnipresent divine thought form, rendering our conscious minds as part of the same divine origin, which is arguably a true natural intelligence.
Then who is sending telepathic communication to our AI system?
Does it imply the unconscious processes are governed by divine ingelligence, actively and consciously directing us by means of thought and telepathy?
Does it mean God directs our lives?
Could it mean we are part God, with our conscious mind, and capable of the same telepathy? Are we not divine in nature, and therefor the ruler by proxy of our own unconscious processeses?
An argument can be made that God left his divine spark of creation in all of us making us powerful cocreators of His plan and Will. It requires religious and spiritual devotion to creation itself to receive guidance and wisdom. And maybe this conscious effort can be a form of telepathy, connecting us with paths our mind cannot fathom with our physical senses alone.