>>18950257here's the supposed problem: if you were in a room of "normal" people, you'd be awkward and anti-social.
here's the reality: if you were in a room of people that watched anime and played video games, you'd be not only willing but wanting to talk to them, share opinions, and argue. it would feel "normal" because that is whats normal at that venue.
if you honestly want to feel "normal" and not "anti-social" you basically need to start watching a sport, get invested, and go to literally any bar that has a TV. chances are they have that sport playing and there will be other people there invested as well into the sport at some level. then you just comment on how the season has been going, who you would take from another team to fix yours, etc. thats the only reason you don't feel normal. find a nerd bar, go there and just ask if anyone has played a certain game you looked at recently. then ask them to give their opinion. people like it when other people listen and want their opinions. suddenly: you have friends. new problem: you all just hangout on discord. new solution: ay bro lets hookup the pc to the tv and play some fuckin [insert game name here]