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[23 / 10 / ?]

30 days...

ID:Zds3Py8b No.1896792 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Only 30 days left until the great tribulation starts.

Signs and portents.

War is being waged in the west over culture. Trump has instructed Gen. Mattie to ban the trans in the military. Interesting timing President Trump.

So on August 21 a total eclipse crossed the entire United States from Seattle WA to Charlestown SC. 33 days (Masonic number) later on the 23rd of September the sun will be in th virgin's hair and the moon will be at her feet. She will have a crown of nine stars above her head for all to see. The constellation Leo plus three planets Mercury Venus and Mars.

In the get of the century I added the numbers -


This equals 77. Have I got your attention yet?

> (((You))) are being called.

The mods on /pol/ are so afraid of this thread that they warned me never to return.

Suggested reading so you can pull the wool off you eyes so carefully placed there by the MSM.

Turn off the Tv. Turn of the movies. Turn off the hyper violence and sexuality. It separates you from God.

Revelations 12

Good luck. We are all counting on (((you))).