>>18970851>>18970867>>446404923>christians do not give a shit what the bible saysWRONG!
>they have zero integrityYES
>and proving me correct if a christcuck responds to me he will lie about who and what i am as the christcuck is incapable of honestyAll of this.
What christieanity is...
Christianity is literally insanity.
>christians do not give a shit what the bible saysThis is how the insanity looks like.
>I the christian do only what the bible says>[to a fucken fetishistic level]you point out shit that the christ fag ignores what jesus commanded him
>Herp derp [impossible insanity or self contradiction or self debunking]This continues with the christ fag saying basically
>NOPE! YOU ARE WRONG! NOPE!And this can arrive at you pointing out that other Christians OR (and here is the funny part) over 99% of christians do what you say Christians must do then the christ fuck responds with
>NOOO these are fake christiansThen you ask how anyone can know these are fake christians
>BECAUSE THEY DO NOT DO WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!>ONLY MY CHRISTIANS SECT DOES WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!Only literally no one outside of their indoctrinated minority religion reads the bible in the way they do it.
All of it is literally impossible and incoherent cope to try to nullify what the bible says.
This is all there is to this religion.
There is a good reason that Christianity is classified as a mind virus.
Oh look the chrisitan mods moved the thread, they do not like when you point out the truth.