>>1901553Gameplay screenshot. Fairies had a unique mechanic in that rather than mining to get most of their resources (most fairies had a condition where staying underground too long made them sick, making them unsuited for subterranean living) or even chopping down trees which they couldn't do (wouldn't make good nature avatars if they did), they used magic circles to generate resources from sunlight, essentially for free. This combined with flight in theory urged them towards constructing towers and seeking out sparsely-forested lands, implying a duty for them to spread nature in areas it wasn't already present. An endgame fairy base was meant to be a tower of either sunstone or moonstone ("thief" fairy factions used moonstone, and were otherwise similar to their sun-using peers aside from the fact that non-fairy, non-thief civs (most of the youkai civilizations) hated them in addition to the factory forces) with a feywood frame, or maybe a sunstone/moonstone frame and feywood exterior.
Fairies were far less capable in combat than dwarves or suika or humans, so one important resource of theres' was a creature known as a Kedama Spore, something which matured into a Kedama, a low-level youkai that while relatively weak was low-maintenance, could be trained for war, and was stronger than your average fairy militia and could be customized using their magic circle system into more powerful forms such as red, blue, and green Kedamas (melee-oriented, long-ranged, and mid-ranged poisonous respectively: Age of Ethanols players would recognize the system), or turn them into spellbooks which were powerful immobile turrets that attacked using their element (fire, ice, and again poison), or even turn them into more fairies in an emergency situation with the right technology, though this resulted in retarded fairies only useful for hauling things and getting to a certain fortress population level faster.