1. Start taking sea moss right away when you stop. You have to build up the lost nutrients quickly and sea moss will help with this faster than most anything. If you relapse, don't be weepy and bitching about it, just take sea moss and get back on track.
2. Prepare for the 7th day when your test spikes at something like 145%. Go to the gym and lift heavy, go for a run, meditate, do something to burn up that energy and get through it.
3. After 2 weeks, your prolactin will go back down to normal and you will begin to think and see the world like a healthy man. Men are mostly such bitches and womanly nowadays because their brains are flooded with prolactin. When you hit this point, start taking pine pollen extract. This will level out your test and boost it even more for gym time and also increases your magnetic attraction deal with women or just things in general. Sea moss and Pine pollen need to become part of your new morning stack.
4. Take up some type of internal martial art or energy circulating practice like tai chi/qi gong/yoga/fa jin/etc. to keep the built up energy circulating and refining. At the same time, take up some sort of external outlet for that energy like iron palm training or wood chopping or something to really blast out pent up energy. Don't just dwell in blue balls hell, move that energy. Circulate/refine/transmute/top off here and there with intense external physical outlets and let the energy work for you, don't be a slave to it.
5. Don't count days. Don't even pick November 1st. Start sometime randomly in the first week or two of november and then you won't feel as anal about counting days. You will know that some general time in that week or two is when you last busted so when a month or more passes, you will gain the benefits without being slave to the calendar and constantly checking up on timelines.