>>1905156>>1906474When I came to, I was in a hospital bed. A doctor looked my way, antennae twitching with interest, then his expression returned to great sadness. He asked me all sorts of questions; my name, my birthday, where I was. Forming the words was hard, but I managed with some effort. "We're afraid you were hit by the God Smog; you're almost fully paralyzed." And thus began the end of my life."
I tried to keep a positive outlook after the Event, but it proved to be difficult. How do you bounce on your boy's dick when you're in a wheelchair? How can you feel the touch of a loved one when you can't feel anything at all? I was fortunate enough to keep a little arm muscle; I could wheel myself around with some effort. But I knew my dream of being in the Olympics would never come true.
The make a wish foundation came by the other day; I asked them to make me better. I told them I wanted to be in the Olympics, and soon enough, I was. I found myself surrounded by like-minded, wheelchair-bound individuals. Others could barely keep their antennae still, or couldn't keep their drool in their mouths. I didn't know they were putting me in the special Olympics, and if I did I would have done this much sooner. That was one of the most humiliating moments of my life.
I write this note not in a search for sympathy, not in an effort to guilt anyone. No, I hope this letter is read so my life won't have been completely wasted. An assault on the Stargate is coming. Be ready for the famine, for the Extermination. Please, don't let me die in vain. I wish I could remain here to help, but alas, I'm a deadweight on society; a decaying man stuck in a wheelchair that needs spoonfeeding.
I love you Janet. Maybe in another life, we could have the house and family we always dreamed of. We'd have our three kids, and grow old together. We'd sit in our rocking chairs one day petting the cat while our grandkids played with legos. Please stay strong for me dear, it'll all be alright.