>very knowledgeablelast time I did shrooms I overclocked on a simulation of a thought experiment of "virtually experiemcing" every scenario probable, possible and imaginable
I passed out when it started on unthinkable and impossibly complex
I believe if anything after that rite of pasaage I desserve to stand as very knowledgeable
>honeyhoney is secondary food source, as local wine brewers add rafined white sugar to grape juice to increase the alchohol content while still sparing some sugar in the end
raisins have much more concentrated juice with flavours and glucose and serve as primary source of flavour and alchohol for the wine (the body)
the honey also imparts flavour- albeit less, and it provides addutional sugar to ferment an dresidual to keep the wine sweet (very sweet)
>dilutionthe wine would have such a stromg flavour and such sugar cintent it would likely make you puke while leaving the worst heartburn (it's been proposed that large sugar content prevented oxidative spoilage from acetobacter fermentation of alchohol into vinegar)
>cabernetgood wine for cooking (I only use booze for culinary purpouses, getting drunk is no longer in my interest)
>ambamake it at home, the less ripe the mangoes the better it will taste in the end
>mashed chickpeashummus without tahini is very bland
>if he lostI'm only interested in his shekels if he happens to lose