Quoted By:
>>19057648 Added. Waiting for 3 more.
>>19057626 Norf FC
Quoted By:
>>19057728 Added. Waiting for 2 more. Though I may just join myself if we can't find a 4th in a reasonable amount of time.
fuck, i would join but i really need to finish writing this paper
>>19057756 Your choice bud. Don't let 4chan risk take precident over real life matters though. One more and I'll just join and start the game. Hopefully the other anons are still here.
>>19057781 people on this board are too overshoot autistic to play such games anyway
Quoted By:
>>19057805 Once upon a time, /bant/ used to be the main board for playing risk on. Doubt there's much overlap with those posters anymore though. I've just been trying to get it back going again cause I miss having a place to play Risk, it seems like it's died on most all boards.
Shitalian Republic ROME brown
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:02:42 No. 19057920 Report >>19057841 Oh shit, added. Didn't think we'd get another desu. Alright then, let's play.
Turn 1.
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:03:18 No. 19057922 Report Quoted By:
>>19057920 Rolling to fill Egypt.
>>19057920 i'm attacking whatever adjecent provinces there are, just pick a random if i win
Shitalian Republic
>>19057920 Roll to fill central italia
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:07:21 No. 19057935 Report Quoted By:
>>19057924 You sure you just want your roll in any adjacent province? It's generally more in your interests to go for bonus points. If that's what you want I'll do it, just clarifying.
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:07:47 No. 19057936 Report >>19057929 Since you got a pali you have spills. Where do you want them to go?
>>19057920 roll souf into yorkshire
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:10:44 No. 19057943 Report >>19057942 1 spill. Where do you want it to go?
Shitalian Republic
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:13:21 No. 19057951 Report Turn 2. Remember to put bonuses in your name.
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:13:37 No. 19057952 Report >>19057951 Rolling for Egypt.
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:15:06 No. 19057958 Report Quoted By:
>>19057951 >>19057952 Disclaimer but from now on my rolls will just be in the turn post and I'll specify my move within it.
>>19057951 more south into england
(+3) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+3) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:18:16 No. 19058015 Report >>19058005 You have a +3 bonus after taking the territory last turn. Since it's early and there aren't many to keep track of I'll count it but remember to track it and put it in your name else it may not count in future turns. Like this for an example. You don't even have to put the country name, just the bonus and you're fine.
Shitalian Republic +3 bonus
Quoted By:
>>19057951 take all south (until malta it possible) we must safe the brown pipo there. spill goes to northern area
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:22:06 No. 19058024 Report Quoted By:
10min till I advance, hopefully Ruskiebro rolls by then.
+3 Norf FC
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:32:01 No. 19058041 Report Turn 3. Rolling to fill Palestine and Lebanon.
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:32:57 No. 19058043 Report Quoted By:
>>19058041 oops. I meant to say rolling to finish egypt, spills to those two. Thankfully I rolled garbage so it doesn't even matter :^)
+3 Norf FC
Quoted By:
>>19058041 roll to fill denmark
if spill put them on those 3 rightfully italian clay
[+5] Shitalian Republic
Quoted By:
>>19058051 fuck why my name disappeared
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:38:54 No. 19058055 Report Quoted By:
10min till advance. Ruskie bro pls come back. Also note to anyone but it's not too late to join once the game starts, just type name - country - color and I'll add you to the next turn.
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:49:24 No. 19058069 Report Turn 4. Fill last province of egypt spills Israel.
+4 Norf FC
Quoted By:
>>19058069 fill that one island and sweden
[+5] Shitalian Republic
>>19058069 the mission is not done yet, countinue what i did on
>>19058051 Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:52:54 No. 19058078 Report >>19058077 4 spills. Where do you want them?
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 18:53:09 No. 19058079 Report Quoted By:
Advancing in 10.
[+5] Shitalian Republic
(+9) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+9) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:03:04 No. 19058099 Report Rolling for Lebanon and Syria. From this post I'll give 10 mins to advance since it seems clear that the Ruskie guy isn't coming back.
(+9) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+9) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:04:02 No. 19058100 Report Quoted By:
>>19058099 My spills will go to Turkey.
[+8] Shitalian Republic
>>19058099 yeah go slowly is better i think
spill goes to tunesia
+4 Norf FC
(+9) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+9) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:11:11 No. 19058120 Report >>19058111 Since you got trips you have a shit ton of spills. 25 to be exact. Where do you want them to go?
>>19058110 3 spills, where do you want them to go?
+4 Norf FC
Quoted By:
>>19058120 all into france
>>19058099 I can take over vor the russian. Anschluss Polen
(+9) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+9) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:17:24 No. 19058142 Report Turn 6. Rolling for Turkey, any spills go to Persia.
>>19058136 Just so you know, you're 1 territory away from getting that Mecklenburg area German bonus.
(+9) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+9) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:17:43 No. 19058144 Report Anonymous
>>19058099 Can I join?
North Iran on Caspian Sea
+4 Norf FC
>>19058144 fill into france
+8 Norf FC
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:22:18 No. 19058163 Report Quoted By:
>>19058147 Yeah. I'll count your intro post as a roll. Won't get the initial 5 though since you posted after I advanced turn.
>>19058157 Got it, nice catch.
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:27:18 No. 19058184 Report Quoted By:
Waiting on the Fuhrer and Shitalian. Will advance automatically in 10min.
>>19058144 >Mecklenburg area German bonus I want that. And the Ruhrgebiet If I can get that far. Also I'm offering an alliance with anglobro like god intended.
[+10] Shitalian Republic
Quoted By:
spill goes too med coast (french-spain)
Quoted By:
I can join now Ghosts of Kyiv Lime Kyiv
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:35:54 No. 19058220 Report Turn 7. Finish Turkey, Spills Greece
>>19058147 Where are you planning on expanding?
+10 Norf FC
>>19058220 keep filling france, switzerland
holy shit i forgot this thread exists, someone can overtake the control of the niggers faction if they want
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:39:20 No. 19058228 Report >>19058221 Fuhrer offered you an alliance earlier.
>>19058192 . You accepting or declining?
>>19058223 Someone already did. You're free to rejoin if you wish under a different name.
+10 Norf FC
[+12] Shitalian Republic
>>19058220 Fully take the southern france (the little area where no one live) then expand the rest into catalonia
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:42:48 No. 19058241 Report >>19058231 Alright. You can put alliances and non-aggression pacts in your name if you wish. Also, yes the latter are allowed. You must announce to break a NAP.
>>19058233 Oh shit. Alright so since this is a bit of mess, here's what France looks like after Norf's roll. You basically can only take that one territory. Are you sure you want to declare war? Would also be declaring on the german guy since they're allied.
Quoted By:
>>19058220 I'll fill in southern Iran, esp. along the Iraq border. If any extra, I'll go south Pakistan
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP)
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:44:29 No. 19058518 Report The cabinet of the Confederate States of America formally offer Eeeran a Non Aggression Pact, on the conditions that the glorious Dixie state gets to incorporate Saudi Arabia and Iraq into her domains as protectorates without interference. What be your response?
>>19058147 [+2] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19058220 Rolling to fill the Russia-Georgia border
[+12] Shitalian Republic
Quoted By:
>>19058241 Hmf that area are too white for our kind anyway. PUT IT TO CATALONIA and the spill to algerie
>>19058518 I agree to those terms under the condition that I will have access through the Caucasus in Azerbaijan
>>19058231 Glad to hear it. Have some aryan pussy
>>19058220 Taking more Lebensraum in the east
+10 Norf FC
>>19058241 i will let my afro-saxon brother determine the alliance name
on the subject of the latium plebians attempting a feeble ground invasion of our soil; i exclaim that war is to be declared regardless of what this fool decides
[+12] Shitalian Republic
I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT THE REAL MEANING OF TOTAL SHITALIAN DEATH IS!! THE DEATH WILL BE YOUR and “germ”man dont even think of interfering in this, capiche?
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+11) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 19:52:56 No. 19058570 Report Turn 8. Rolling for Greece and Iraq.
>>19058532 I accept. The other guy kind of cockblocked you though.
>>19058536 War it is then. Since he redirected his roll, neither of you will attack eachother and the war will begin this turn.
>>19058533 Put your bonus in your name please, otherwise they won't count. I will count it for this turn though.
+13 Norf FC
>>19058533 my afro-saxon cousin, the time for interracial violence has arisen. i trust that you will be the instigator of ample warcrimes, no?
>>19058563 if it int norf it int worf bloody nowt
>>19058570 invade the brown stain
Shah of Eeeeran
>>19058524 The Shah of Eeeeran declares to the Kyiv that Azerbaijan and Armenia have been recognized as part of Greater Iran since time immemorial, and any intrusion into these territories will be treated as an act of aggression and grounds for immediate declaration of war.
>>19058570 Fill in Iran, then Azerbaijan and Armenia, if any extra, then Turkmenistan
[+2] Ghosts of Kyiv
Quoted By:
>>19058570 Fill the remaining two territories there and fill Belarus
>>19058570 >Put your bonus in your name please, otherwise they won't count I'm new, how do I know how much Bonus I have?
[+14] Shitalian Republic
Quoted By:
>>19058570 LISTEN carefully
take algerie first.
the rest of roll goes to that part in French that were disputed and to KILL ALL NORF THAT ATTACK ANY OF OUR CLAY
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:02:05 No. 19058596 Report Quoted By:
>>19058586 You can look at this map in the image. to see what territories grant what bonuses. Mecklenburg grants 1, Poland grants 3. In total it's +4. But you add up each individual number to your total.
[+14] Shitalian Republic
Quoted By:
>>19058579 your people will now know how to cook AL DENTE PASTA
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:04:38 No. 19058601 Report Quoted By:
Waiting on Fuhrer roll. Will give it 10min. If i mess anything up please tell me, starts to become harder to keep track of when you have more players.
[+2] Ghosts of Kyiv
Quoted By:
>>19058580 Ghosts of Kyiv prioritize the total rus death, we assure our Iranian neighbours there will be no conflict and they can expect our support
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:08:39 No. 19058617 Report Quoted By:
Also, just so the German knows, he would have to fill neutral territories to get a land border with Shitalian first if he interferes.
Can I join? Sunrise Invasion Yellow Sri Lanka
shitalian press
oh i just saw that expansion CONFEDERATE you may take the greece but albania is rigtfully our clay so please do avoid taking our rightful clay
(+4) Führer
thanks OP.
>>19058570 I'm taking eastern Germany and Bavaria. No worries Shitaly, just taking what's mine.
>>19058536 How about "Norfnigger alliance"?
+13 Norf FC
Quoted By:
>>19058634 >How about "Norfnigger alliance"? fuckin mint mate
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:14:25 No. 19058643 Report >>19058632 The Confederate Empire's foreign ambassador has come to the great Shitalian nation with a most sincere request. Would it be okay for the Confederate state to expand into Libya? I will stay out of Albania so long as you don't interfere with my further expansion through the Balkans into Serbia, Romania, Macedonia/Kosovo and Bulgaria.
>>19058630 Added, as always you won't get the initial 5 but will get your entry post as an initial roll.
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:17:58 No. 19058657 Report Turn 9. Wargoers, don't forget to update your bonuses according to the map as it changes. Rolling for Saudi, spills Bulgaria.
shitalian presidente
Quoted By:
>>19058643 Agreed. you can expand into b*lkans without our interference, as long as albania is our of course. and Libya can be shared
+15 Norf FC
>>19058657 roll attack ishitaly
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:20:57 No. 19058666 Report Also since I never clarified this, the advantage to having a Non-Aggression pact is that you must announce to break it before you can declare war on the person you have it.
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:21:22 No. 19058668 Report Quoted By:
>>19058666 with, giving them a one turn grace period essentially. Didn't mean to hit enter.
[+7] Shah of Eeeeran, NAP: Confederates
[+7] Shah of Eeeeran, NAP: Confederates ID:jrw8fVvD Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:22:59 No. 19058672 Report >>19058657 Rolling to snake down like pic related
[+17] Shitalian Republic
Quoted By:
kill those encircled fuck in catalonia. The rest of the roll goes to pushing them back in the north
[+17] Shitalian Republic
Quoted By:
>>19058666 wasted trip lol
[+4] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19058657 Fill Belarus, and if extra march towards Moscow
[+4] Ghosts of Kyiv
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+16) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:29:13 No. 19058692 Report Quoted By:
Waiting on Germans and Sunrise Will give it around 10min.
Sunrise Invasion +1
Quoted By:
>>19058657 Further advance into India
(+6) Führer
Quoted By:
>>19058657 Didn't notice that little bit of lithuania Missing. Filly Out those two areas and the Rest goes south to Bavaria and an Anschluss of Österreich If enough points are left.
(+18) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+18) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:38:47 No. 19058719 Report The confederate cabinet, after many tireless hours of stewing and debate amongst eachother, has finally come to a troubling resolution. Though she does not necessarily wish ill on the Shitalian people, it is known within governance that it is in her best interests to prevent any one state from gaining hegemony over Western Europe. As such, "Operation Unthinkable" has been put into motion. The Colonial Army, after conquering Cyprus, will fill what is needed of Albania to reach the sea route, and use it to wage war upon Shitaly via invasion into Southern italy. May god have mercy on all of our souls.
+15 Norf FC
>>19058719 >The confederate cabinet, after many tireless hours of stewing and debate amongst eachother, has finally come to a troubling resolution. Though she does not necessarily wish ill on the Shitalian people, it is known within governance that it is in her best interests to prevent any one state from gaining hegemony over Western Europe. As such, "Operation Unthinkable" has been put into motion. The Colonial Army, after conquering Cyprus, will fill what is needed of Albania to reach the sea route, and use it to wage war upon Shitaly via invasion into Southern italy. May god have mercy on all of our souls. damn
continue invading shitaly
(+18) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+18) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:41:05 No. 19058726 Report Quoted By:
>>19058722 Just so you know, you lost 2 because he occupied the territory and you are no longer the soul possessor. So your bonus is down to 13, but he also doesn't get it since it's contested.
Sunrise Invasion +1
>>19058672 While exploring the new regions, you meet scouts from a nation unlike any you have seen: animal headdresses, imposing tattoos, and weapons made of dark crystal. They speak a completely foreign language and avoid all contact, vanishing into the jungle the moment they notice your settlers.
(+6) Führer
>>19058664 Stay String through this war bro. Sendung good vibes
Sunrise Invasion +1
Quoted By:
>>19058719 Continue the advance into India, first filling the current region, then slcontinuing with the north-western one and going further north afterwards
[+17] Shitalian Republic
Quoted By:
>>19058719 w-war on two front?! ITS TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD WHAT MEDBVLL IS.
[+9] Ghosts of Kyiv
Quoted By:
>>19058719 I will take these 2 chunks of land and move to fill Northern Russia
Sunrise Invasion +1
Do you count the first post after the map update or the post that replies to the update as the roll?
(+19) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+19) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:48:45 No. 19058769 Report >>19058765 Whichever one explicitly says "continue" or "roll" is what I count.
[+8] Shah of Eeeeran, NAP: Confederates
[+8] Shah of Eeeeran, NAP: Confederates ID:jrw8fVvD Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:49:53 No. 19058774 Report >>19058719 >>19058727 The Shah of Eeeeran, King of Kings, Light of the Aryans, issues the following proclamation, to be read wherever any settlement of these savages is found: Having determined that the entire land east of the Indus is populated by nothing but the lowest barbarians, unable to even defecate inside like human beings, exploding whole regions through their Taco Bell shits, the Shah has decided that he will exercise his infinite mercy by civilizing these cretins, by force if necessary.
That is to say: I declare war on the Sunrise Invasion, immediately rolling to invade Southern India
Sunrise Invasion +1
>>19058769 Alright
I just noticed a pali in that lore post I did
(+9) Führer
>>19058769 I suggest a non-aggression pact between the confederates and the Reich. Neither of US wants a two-front war, right?
+13 Norf FC
[+9] Ghosts of Kyiv
Quoted By:
>>19058777 uh oh, a trip lol
(+9) Führer
>>19058719 Rolling for one piece of western Ukraine just to send a message, then the rest of Austria, Slovenia and if there's more also take that german Clay north of Switzerland.
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 20:59:35 No. 19058805 Report >>19058782 I accept on the condition that the German nation's borders do not stretch past that of the northern boundary of Hungary, Romania or Croatia. Do you accept these terms? If they are infringed upon I reserve the right to break the NAP at moment's notice and without any grace period.
(+9) Führer
Quoted By:
>>19058796 Just to clarify, i mean the uncontrolled southwest. Not declaring war here or anything hehe
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:01:01 No. 19058813 Report Turn 10. Conquer central italy, any spills to Tunis.
[+8] Shah of Eeeeran, NAP: Confederates
[+8] Shah of Eeeeran, NAP: Confederates ID:jrw8fVvD Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:03:38 No. 19058824 Report >>19058813 Rolling to continue conquest of South India, if complete, invade eastern India
(+9) Führer
>>19058805 How long would the grace period be? Also, i wanted one piece of ukraine, not six.
Sunrise Invasion +1
Quoted By:
>>19058774 Your border patrols wake up one morning to a gory sight: 500 disembodied native indian heads hung to the trees surrounding the outpost, bloodsoaked soil as far as their eyes can see.
Something managed to 'civilise' these barbarians first.
[+12] Shitalian Republic
>>19058813 WTF?! ROME HAS FALLEN.
t-the damn confederate advanced too f-fast!
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:07:28 No. 19058835 Report >>19058826 Gotcha. I'll fix it next turn. By grace period I mean I can void the NAP and attack immediately if you expand into those territories, without having to announce breaking it and then waiting until the next turn after to attack. But I can only do this IF you break the terms, otherwise it's a normal NAP with all the protections it offers. I have no intention on expanding further into europe following this war past the point I showed you on the map.
[+10] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19058813 Brave ghosts of Kyiv receive the Germans' message. They and the remaining world will see just how much we are respect and understanding of them in the future. We will continue our expansion on Northern Russia and move to the Northwestern Russia territory.
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:11:16 No. 19058843 Report Quoted By:
>>19058824 I just realized that I mistankenly assumed there was a sea route from Sri Lanka to India. Since he's already used it I'm going to draw it in and make it a canon part of this game. Just letting you know that you don't have to go all the way around like on the map, it'll show on the next turn.
Shitalian in naple
>>19058813 retake everything then advance
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:14:17 No. 19058853 Report Quoted By:
>>19058850 You have a +3 bonus, just letting you know.
Sunrise Invasion +4
Not +4? There's sri lanka, a +1, and east india, a +3
+13 Norf FC
Quoted By:
>>19058813 advance, but not into the area past the green line
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:16:20 No. 19058858 Report Quoted By:
>>19058855 You right my bad, forgot about Sri Lanka.
Waiting on German roll.
>>19058835 To add to this I'm willing to negotiate if necessary. I'd like peace in Europe if at all possible, but I'd like to at least see us gain some of our territoral claims in exchange.
[+10] Ghosts of Kyiv
Quoted By:
>>19058840 I meant Northeastern Russia obviously, sorry just realized it
+13 Norf FC
>>19058829 should all of the clay before the green line be ceded, a ceasefire is on the table
Shitalians on the northern front
Shitalians on the northern front ID:n1UEaDeq Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:17:02 No. 19058863 Report Quoted By:
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:18:49 No. 19058867 Report >>19058861 To add to this, so long as Dixie can gain Southern Italy and Central Italy, I, President Davis, am also willing to sign a ceasefire.
(+13) Führer
>>19058835 I accept the terms.
>>19058861 Need any help with Shitaly? Just say
[+17] Shitalian Republic
Quoted By:
>>19058861 we greatly agree on those term. Ceasefire it will be
+13 Norf FC
>>19058867 works for me
>>19058869 the incident is being resolved brother, but thank you
[+17] Shitalian Republic
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:22:33 No. 19058881 Report >>19058876 Does this mean you also take back the ceasefire with Norf? Or are you accepting his but rejecting mine?
Quoted By:
roll germany!!!!!
(+13) Führer
Quoted By:
>>19058872 Aight, then i'm going east. Holler at me
>>19058813 Rolling for the rest of Niedersachsen, latvia, estonia and finland
[+17] Shitalian Republic
Quoted By:
>>19058881 Norf are fine we only had disputed land in france.
(+13) Führer
Quoted By:
Excuse me for Bring slow Guys, Phoneposting ist hard.
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:28:32 No. 19058899 Report Turn 11. Roll for Central Italy, spills just go to general defense/pushback against Italy.
+17 Norf FC
Quoted By:
>>19058899 fill british isles
[+10] Shitalian Republic
>>19058899 >99 shitliansister… i dont feel good
+17 Norf FC
Quoted By:
>>19059023 if you fail to retake central italy, i may invade once again
Sunrise Invasion +4
>>19058899 Last turn Eeran rolled 4, so his final roll was 4x2+8=16, while mine was a 0, so 15+4=19
I lost 1 territory, but should have gained 3.
[+13] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19058899 I'm rolling to fill Northern Russia (and the island above it?) and march downwards like this
Shitalian press
Quoted By:
Shitalian Republic has capitulated
(+17) Führer
>>19058899 Niedersachsen was supposed to mean Northwestern Germany. Rolling for that again, then the Land south of that (Rest of Germany), then benelux.
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:39:21 No. 19059419 Report Quoted By:
Through the sound of marching boots, boots whom had sailed across the treacherous Atlantic ocean and persevered through the voodoo of the Bermuda Triangle, Confederate soldiers open fire on the brown skinned natives of Rome. For hundreds of miles, no, thousands even, you can hear as the Shitalian soldiers collapse to the ground, moments before taking theri final breaths. "ACK!" "ACK!" "ACK!" "....ack..." At home, the war is incredibly unpopular amongst the general populace. Though those in government believed it to be far and away the superior decision on the geopolitical scale, the folks at home in the land of the cotton are extremely unhappy and believe it be nothing more than thinly veiled warmongering. One slave even recounted to the Daily Southerner, "No Shitalian ever called me nigger!" prior to being broken back into shape by his massa.
Sunrise Invasion +4
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+21) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:41:05 No. 19059427 Report >>19059407 Ooops. Will add +3 to you for this turn. I think I forgot to add your bonus.
[+8] Shah of Eeeeran, NAP: Confederates
[+8] Shah of Eeeeran, NAP: Confederates ID:jrw8fVvD Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:42:07 No. 19059431 Report >>19059407 >>19059427 I thought it's 4x2+5+8?
>>19058899 Rolling to continue assault in South India, spillover into east India
Shitalian presidente
Quoted By:
*in his bunker in Milan* ACK!
[+8] Shah of Eeeeran, NAP: Confederates
[+8] Shah of Eeeeran, NAP: Confederates ID:jrw8fVvD Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:44:16 No. 19059438 Report Quoted By:
>>19059431 Also I have to be afk for like 20-30 minutes, if its okay with you guys I'm going to use this post to roll for my turn after the current one. Move priority: Defend territory if invaded, take South India, take East India, take Sri Lanka
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:44:51 No. 19059442 Report >>19059431 Goddamit you guys are confusing me. That is correct math yes. So I think the other guy may have gotten mixed up.
Sunrise Invasion +4
(+17) Führer
>>19059409 Why don't you just leave all that boring Tundra to me while you cross the caucasus mountains? The shah seems kinda distracted atm.
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:51:31 No. 19059458 Report Turn 12. After advancing through Lombardy, Robert E. Lee comes across a most stunning sight. A city of water, with the most popular method of transportation coming via boat.
"What... in tarnation..?"
Welcome to Venice.
>>19059416 Sorry, not super familiar with german regional geography lol. t. amerifat
Hopefully I didn't mess up any rolls this time, it's hard to do the map while fighting a war and managing another as well.
+17 Norf FC
>>19059458 fill last bit of ireland, then Andalusia
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:55:02 No. 19059466 Report >>19059461 You have 9 spills. Where to?
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 21:55:30 No. 19059467 Report Quoted By:
May have to go afk for supper here in a bit guys. Don't know how long it'll be but maybe 20-30 minutes.
[+13] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19059451 We already announced we would remain peaceful and respectful of Iranian borders. And I will not disturb your progress in Scandinavia and Europe if you agree to spit back that one piece of land you took from my west border and allow me to fill in that region.
+17 Norf FC
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 22:02:00 No. 19059487 Report Quoted By:
Alright, going AFK. I'll complete the rest of the turn when I'm back.
Sunrise Invasion +4
Quoted By:
>>19059458 Use a bit to move to Somalia, the rest to defend
[+17] Ghosts of Kyiv
Quoted By:
>>19059458 I will eat up the rest of the Russia, and take whatever I can from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
(+17) Führer
Quoted By:
>>19059469 >spit back that one piece of land you took from my west border Or else what?
(+20) Führer
>>19059458 I'm taking that remaining Bit of Germany, then slovakia, then benelux, starting with Lux.
[+17] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19059516 I will not not disturb you. We are both equal in strength but if we were to wage war I only have you to worry about while you are surrounded by others who can't help you, but would happily attack you if you got weaker. If you give the land back I can better support you if you were to move south. The land serves you no purpose right now, by the way.
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+24) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 22:30:58 No. 19059547 Report Quoted By:
Back. Working on turns now, apologies for the delay.
(+20) Führer
>>19059541 >surrounded by others who can't help you, but would happily attack you if you got weaker Not really true tho. One is my closest ally, the other is busy with the shitalians.
Confederates, do you have a pact with Iran by any chance?
(+29) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+29) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 22:42:33 No. 19059788 Report Turn 13. Finish Shitaly.
>>19059713 I do, I have my NAPs in my name.
(+20) Führer
>>19059541 >surrounded by others who can't help you, but would happily attack you if you got weaker Not really true tho. One is my closest ally, the other is busy with the shitalians. I doubt he wants to deal with three enemies at the Moment.
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 22:44:29 No. 19059795 Report Quoted By:
>>19059788 Spills to Jordan and Kuwait.
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 22:46:20 No. 19059798 Report Quoted By:
As an aside, since the Iranian guy still hasn't come back and he only said he was rolling for one turn, I'll probably advance without him if it comes to it. Would suck to have a war end that way though.
>>19059794 I'm more interested in Africa and Arabia than anything. Zero interest in a war with you guys, you are correct.
(+24) Führer
Quoted By:
>>19059788 Taking the Rest of benelux
+28 Norf FC
>>19059788 fill more africa
Quoted By:
>>19059788 On phone rn, Eeeran, rolling to take rest of east India and Ceylon, spillover Nepal then fill my territories that ain't full
(+24) Führer
>>19059816 How do you feel about making a straight seven-point line through sweden to the coast of northern russia? I think we can count on the U.S. being chill. We can tag-team this bitch
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 22:57:16 No. 19059830 Report Quoted By:
Waiting on Kyiv and Sunrise
Sunrise Invasion +1
Quoted By:
>>19059788 Finish somalia, then spill to Eritrea
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:01:18 No. 19059841 Report Quoted By:
10mins from this post for Kyiv to roll.
[+21] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19059794 They are still potential enemies. If I were to get the advantage in this war your ally could, maybe, potentially, start to reconsider you. He isn't at risk of war himself. Isn't able to help you until it is too late. And Americans don't want a war against us right now, but it doesn't mean they won't consider it later. If you push me back to Asia, he won't be able to attack me. If I push you back to West, he will be able to attack you. Then you have the Shitalians themselves you still share borders with, a force to take into account. And you still have unoccupied lands in Scandinavia and Europe, if you wage war against me you would give up those lands to the others.
You would be risking a lot.
I roll this.
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:04:08 No. 19059851 Report >>19059842 Persia took Pakistan due to him rolling first so the ME looks like this. As such you have 6 spills. Where you want em?
Btw, don't think i've said it before but rolling first gives you priority on lands. It usually doesn't come into effect much in the earlier game but now that we're starting to fill up the map I suppose I prboably should mention it.
(+24) Führer
Quoted By:
>>19059816 >>19059825 Btw you would obviously get scandinavia and northern russia while i take Central Asia.
[+21] Ghosts of Kyiv
Quoted By:
>>19059851 oh sorry, just take the far east border of the map i guess
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:07:04 No. 19059867 Report Turn 14. Cheekily steal Georgia since nobody else took it. Put the rest towards Libya and my European claims in the balkans.
[+21] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19059867 if i start a war, do i wait until the next turn or do i play immediately?
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+35) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:11:59 No. 19059873 Report >>19059871 You can attack immediately as long as you don't have a non-aggression pact or alliance with the target, in which case you must use this turn to announce the breaking of the NAP/alliance and then you can attack next turn. AKA You lose the surprise factor basically. Since with rolls there's no takesie backsies once you firmly commit to an action.
[+28] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19059873 Alright. I declare war on Führer. I take that one piece of land on West Ukraine along with that entire territory and push them downwards from Scandinavia. Keep marching towards Berlin with what's left.
(+24) Führer
>>19059871 kek. Don't lose your shit just yet, my ally hasn't given me a response so far.
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:20:11 No. 19059894 Report (+24) Führer
[+28] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19059890 I already laid out my terms and didn't see a positive response. We could not risk a potential surprise attack. I also ran out of land in Asia lol.
[+28] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19059894 >>19059895 didnt notice the trips, oh this war's not gonna last that long after all
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:22:33 No. 19059903 Report Quoted By:
Waiting on Norf and Sunrise.
>>19059901 It's a great start but don't get too ahead of yourself, they still have an advantage bonus-wise if his ally joins.
(+24) Führer
Quoted By:
>>19059898 you showed patience desu.
Shah of Iran, where are you bro? There's free gains waiting for you to the north. Let's gang up on this ruskie.
Sunrise Invasion +1
Quoted By:
>>19059867 Eritrea then Sudan
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:25:38 No. 19059910 Report Quoted By:
In a statement given on the flat, coastal plain that makes up the city of Richmond Virginia, President Davis with several higher ups in the Confederate army whom had great combat experience in both the war of Northern Aggression and the colonization of Shitaly announced their commitment to neutrality in the newfound war in Europe. A confederate intervention in this war, following the extremely unpopular Shitalian war, could risk flat out open revolt among the populace. "ayo, bix nood nigga, keep me outta that shit homes" Said one freed black man.
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:27:45 No. 19059915 Report I'll give Persia and Norfs 10mins until I advance, barring some sort of negotiations pause regarding the start of the Ukrainian-German war.
(+31) Führer
>>19059867 I'm pushing east from the Balkans to take Belarus and everything north/east of it. Use one Point to take a piece east of finland
(+31) Führer
>>19059915 I roll to attack Kiev through Turkemenistan/Uzbekistan
Quoted By:
oh that was a grave error my shia friend
(+31) Führer
Quoted By:
>>19059921 HELL YEAH, YOU GO, IRAN!
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:35:00 No. 19059928 Report Quoted By:
>>19059921 Is it possible for you to set your bonus in your name on mobile? Dont wanna have to keep scrolling up if its ok.
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:39:26 No. 19059939 Report Turn 15. Seems that the norfs are too busy watching their team scoar some fahkin goals against No Teeth F.C. to participate in this war. Regardless, Ukraine has his hands full. I shall continue filling my european claims, with any spills to the Arbian Peninsula.
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:39:43 No. 19059940 Report (+31) Führer
>>19059915 If norfbro doesnt come back i'd be willing to make a decision in his place. Won't be perfect but it's better than nothing, right?
>>19059940 wait, how much land did i get?
(+31) Führer
Quoted By:
>>19059943 Goddammit i take too long to type
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:42:44 No. 19059947 Report >>19059944 +18 bonus. 1 x 2 + 5 = 9. 27 territories total. Unless I miscounted that's how many you should've gotten.
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:43:22 No. 19059948 Report Quoted By:
>>19059943 I mean you have vested interest in him joining the war so I don't think that'd be fair at all to Ukraine, he's already fighting on 2 fronts anyways. You should be able to win without him joining.
>>19059947 I have +28 and rolled 888
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:45:58 No. 19059952 Report >>19059950 Oh I mixed you up with Persia. Dammit guys, can you set your names please? Anyway, you got Finland and Ukraine.
28 + 30 for trips = 58
He rolled a 6, which is 17. 17 + 24 = 41. So I think I may have snubbed you by about 9 territories, my bad. You will get +9 to your roll this turn.
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:46:39 No. 19059953 Report >>19059952 Wait no his bonus is +31. So I snubbed you by only a handful. You gained all of Finland and that bit of Ukraine btw.
Eeeeran (+24)
Quoted By:
>>19059940 Rolling to continue assault into Central Asia
(+31) Führer
Quoted By:
>>19059953 Tony difference but i technically rolled a 7:
>>19059917 (+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans
(+39) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Eeeran, Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:52:55 No. 19059962 Report >>19059953 Yeah ok, I just redid the math and I'm pretty sure I did it right. You have only a 58-50 advantage on that turn because he got a good roll himself and has a higher bonus. Since he said he pushed towards Belarus instead of giving him some of that land back I just followed his directions and sent him there instead of having him take them back.
Trips should be worth more on this map desu, if I host again I'll probably choose a different map.
(+31) Führer
Quoted By:
>>19059962 Good moderation, i think you got it right
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Fri 10 Nov 2023 23:56:34 No. 19059971 Report Quoted By:
The Confederate Empire and all of it's sister dominions formally announce the breaking of it's non-aggression pact with Iran, effective immediately.
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:00:25 No. 19059977 Report Quoted By:
10min countdown for everyone besides Persia and me.
Sunrise Invasion +1
>>19059940 I'm relinquishing my nation to whoever wants it
It's 2AM here now
[20] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19059953 I call Redditors of Kyiv to help and launch an airstrike on hospitals and schools in these areas with these prioritizations.
Also, Germans, I've been thinking, and I think we could just talk and settle our differences.
Quoted By:
So… you must call..
[20] Ghosts of Kyiv
[20] Ghosts of Kyiv
Quoted By:
>>19059980 it's really messy cause phoneposting. Basically defend and take out their bonuses with whatever is left.
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:06:23 No. 19059997 Report >>19059978 GGs, props for not giving up after the Shah attacked and invaded you. Cool little mini-arc to basically be a kingdom in exile in Somalia.
(+31) Führer. Norf cum back
>>19059940 I Take back my piece of western Ukraine, fill out what i started northeast of belarus and Take the area south of there. If there's any Points left i'll Go north towards finland
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:10:30 No. 19060013 Report >>19060011 Got it off just in time, was about to advance without you. Ouch, rough go here for Ukraine.
Quoted By:
they are rolling 9's and dubs on me man..
(+31) Führer. Norf cum back
Quoted By:
>>19060013 Thanks for the patience. Here's a neat pic taken in the Mojave desert
Quoted By:
>>19059983 It's yours :)
>>19059997 To be honest, he really ruined himself by doing that. He wasted like 3 turns he could have been expanding in that back-and-forth
Did anyone get what "Sunrise Invasion" is in reference to?
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:16:29 No. 19060030 Report Turn 16: At the gates of Moscow edition. I declare war on Eeran as I have little desire to be put into a 3v1 hugbox even if one of them is afk. My opening move will be an invasion through Persia. Also, land ceding generally wasn't allowed in risk games, and Russia getting land he can't access is stupid so I don't think I'm gonna allow that even though it isn't in the image. Sorry Russiabro.
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:17:25 No. 19060035 Report Quoted By:
>>19060030 *Ukraine, whoops. Got you mixed up with the Russiaposter aerlier.
(+35) Führer. Norf cum back
>>19060030 Rolling to:
1. Fill Out those two regions in Western russia i got into
2. Take one piece each out of the two regions east of there
3. Meet my new friends in the caucasus ;)
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:31:58 No. 19060084 Report >>19060076 Does that mean you broke your NAP with me? Cause I never broke the one with you. If you did you have to announce it.
[+12] Ghosts of Kyiv
day 3 of special military operation, huge success so far take back from führer just enough to make this play possible please
(+35) Führer. Norf cum back
>>19060084 No, i meant to say i'm taking southeastern russia, meaning we'll have a Border in the caucasus. Or are you attacking kyiv, too?
Quoted By:
Idk. You won’t. That’s what I say. It’s a very big step for such a small person.
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:35:48 No. 19060092 Report >>19060089 I'm not. I was just clarifying because I thought you were trying to invade me through Georgia. I'm merely attacking Persia.
(+35) Führer. Norf cum back
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:40:16 No. 19060106 Report >>19060088 Bro why the hell would you allocate troops towards Persia? I'm handling that. Focus on your front with the Germans dammit. Ugh. Can't take it back now. Don't waste any rolls on them moving please, you need every territory.
I'll give Persia 10 minutes to roll.
[+12] Ghosts of Kyiv
Quoted By:
>>19060106 no no, this is the play, trust me
i just need to control that part for the fight
[+12] Ghosts of Kyiv
we need to down the wait times i think, or even consider ending the game, looks like 3 players left (soon to be 2 with me ded)
Take Afghan, Pakistan, Saudis, UAE Spills southern india
>>19060141 Have I been waiting too much between turns? I felt like I was giving everyone a pretty fair shot to get their rolls off. Maybe too fair of one.
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:50:36 No. 19060147 Report Quoted By:
>>19060144 My name disappeared wtf? Well you know who I am, lol.
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+46) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:53:11 No. 19060155 Report Quoted By:
>>19060141 But yeah its a PITA to host while playing because you have to put thought into your own strategy and also do everyone else's stuff. I only played because we didn't have enough and I didn't wanna lose the few players I had cobbled together at the start.
[+8] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19060144 It was good at the beginning but it's alot of time now
I roll to force a downwards 2-wide tunnel from Scandinavia
Sorry guys, have to take off now. Best of luck Krautbro, avenge me
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:55:37 No. 19060163 Report >>19060160 Yeah dude I feel you, especially since I"ve been monitoring the thread since I started it which was 8 fucking hours ago. Next time I'm just not going to play so that turns stay more concise and schedule and if you snooze you lose as far as rolls go. But I made a thread before this one and didn't get enough players (are you turkanon from that thread) so I didn't want that to happen again, lol.
(+35) Führer. Norf cum back
>>19060144 Hey, i think you made a mistake there. My first Priority was Filling out those west russian regions for Bonus Points, then going to the Caucasus If possible.
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:57:24 No. 19060175 Report >>19060164 Gotcha. I thought you just wanted to take one out of them. Alright, it'll be fixed next turn.
[+8] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19060161 nigga you attacked me!
>>19060163 Yeah you should be tired af. And yep I am that anon, this is my first time playing
(+35) Führer. Norf cum back
Quoted By:
>>19060161 Thanks Bro, have a good one
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 00:59:56 No. 19060180 Report Quoted By:
>>19060177 Even though I'm a pretty experienced risk player this is my first time hosting a game in literal years as well so I've made plenty of mistakes in my own right due to rust as well as having to manage my own empire.
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 01:00:14 No. 19060182 Report Quoted By:
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 01:01:26 No. 19060183 Report You guys maybe just wanna do a peace map or keep going now that we're on the home stretch? I'm kinda tempted to just finish since we're so close but the war between me and germans may take a while.
(+41) Führer. Norf cum back
Quoted By:
>>19060175 No Problem dude. I'm Sure you're tired by now.
>>19060144 Rolling for a beeline straight through Kasachstan all the way to the Chinese border.
(+41) Führer. Norf cum back
>>19060183 We can do that. It's super late in germany so i'm pretty tired myself.
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 01:05:39 No. 19060196 Report >>19060191 Yeah I'm really exhausted. We're coming up on hour 9 for me. I underestimated how hard it'd be to play and host for the first time in like 4 or 5 years. Peace map coming up. Sorry for being a shitty host guys. Next time I'll put each turn on a strict 10 minute limit, you can expect to see a thread sometime next week probably.
[+8] Ghosts of Kyiv
Quoted By:
>>19060183 yeah let's do that. it's 4 am here.
[+8] Ghosts of Kyiv
>>19060196 nah man you were really great, thanks for hosting it was really fun
(+41) Führer. Norf cum back
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>>19060202 I agree, i'll be back next week If I can make it.
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans
(+58) Confederate Colonial Empire (OP) NAP: Germans ID:DqD4sFjC Sat 11 Nov 2023 01:13:18 No. 19060224 Report Final update. Peace in our times, after years and years of long, brutal war. GGs everyone.
(+41) Führer. Norf cum back
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>>19060224 GG, thanks for being a good host. Also gute Nacht turkbro
[+8] Ghosts of Kyiv
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>>19060224 ggs, iyi geceler almanbro