Yeah but I have serious doubts about college for one why is socializing in college supposedly so different from socializing elsewhere, if college is just about networking why don’t people network elsewhere?
People act like it’s such a good place to meet people but do the regular rules that apply to socializing elsewhere apply to college? What if you’re like a misfit how is it any different basically is college just a place to go to kiss ass?
Even though 4chan is right wing isn’t college inherently liberal? I feel like what people like about college but don’t realize is that they’re basically getting a liberal education and I think if there’s anything different about college it’s that I think it’s more liberal then most other places
Do people who go to colllege are they just arrogant or something do they somehow see themselves as more elite or something? Or is it basically like all those college movies and people define themselves solely by what college they go to what school they attend and judge others accordingly?