>>1908825Being this unfamiliar with how the law works.
I can shoot anyone who enters my home and threatens me or my family.
"En handling som ellers ville være straffbar, er lovlig når den
a) blir foretatt for å avverge et ulovlig angrep,
b) ikke går lenger enn nodvendig, og
c) ikke går åpenbart ut over hva som er forsvarlig under hensyn til hvor farlig angrepet er, hva slags interesse som angrepet krenker, og angriperens skyld.
Regelen i forste ledd gjelder tilsvarende for den som iverksetter en lovlig pågripelse eller soker å hindre at noen unndrar seg varetektsfengsling eller gjennomforing av frihetsstraff.
Utoving av offentlig myndighet kan bare motes med nodverge når myndighetsutovingen er ulovlig, og den som gjennomforer den, opptrer forsettlig eller grovt uaktsomt."
Roughly translated this means:
"An action that otherwise would be deemed illegal, is legal when it's
a) done to prevent an illegal attack,
b) doesn't use excessive force, and
c) doesn't exceed what is obviously safe in regards to how dangerous the attack is, what kind of interests that the attack is violating, and the assailant's guilt.
The rule in letter a applies in the same way for anyone who initiates a legal arrest or tries to prevent someone from avoiding incarceration or the implementation of freedom punishment.
Use of official authority can only be met with self defense when the use of authority is illegal, and the one who is performing it is acting willfully or grossly negligent."
My translation is pretty shit, but I hope you understand what's being said.
https://lovdata.no/lov/2005-05-20-28/§18(It's in Norwegian, but I figured that I should at least post sources for my claims.)