>>19099144>what type of men would you go for and why?I would dose up on chems and supps, find a nice man, and have 10 kids at least, i would look mainly for fitness and health, but that can be replicated with mega kiwi fruit stuff. Then i would have him eat supplements that would keep him randy all the time.
Being a woman is easy sauce if they use science, but they are idiots, so don't.
Also, women make terribhle single mothers, so don't know how to raise men, i do. 40% of it is diet, can't feed em junk and expect them to be healthy, 50% training, 10% discipline. it's THAT fucking simple
Women don;'t know science though, so just stick em infront of the TV and then wonder why the kid isn't like his father. Also, women need to stop shacking up with druggies and rock stars, like, what's the appeal? Social status? For what? If a woman wants attention, bend over.. i mean ffs.
Women have their own problems though, harrasment, bio problems are a REAL biggy, the pill threw a spanner in the works of that, then you have the stupid fucking idiot split arse women teaching other stupid women stupid fucking split arse shit
Hurr durr how to get a man is to make him less of a man and make sure he obeys you and then when you lose interest bitch and take half his shit.
I mean, just come on. Also, women can set conditions, so if i was a beautiful woman, i would say 'Look, you're rich, you got a good personality, but before i drain your balls, i want you to be 250lbs of muscle and do boxing'
LITERALLY can set the standards, and still fucking fail, or say shit like hurrrrrr durrrrr men have to respect women (basically do what she tells them) it's like, no..Why do i have to tell women how to be women?
Also, trannys get women of the year, so men really do it better than women.