you still think like a christrat
in any case, what's most important is uprooting the parasitical jewish old-testament and its god from binding us gentiles to its law and prophecy directly or indirectly: this in large part has already been accomplished indirectly by the spread of nihilism, but we can't allow it to bind us again, no more yhwh dictating law and prophecy to us through the mouths of jewish prophets and writers
second, a basic form of ancestor worship and racial consciousness can go a long way, especially as we have rediscovered much of our Indo-European roots in the last centuries
the very principle of the word "rite" is linked to action, repeated action in particular: people need "rites" because they are a way to almost cause a constant re-affirmation of some truth or idea
a modern westerner can find fulfilling ritual practice through the ingredients mentioned above: needless to say there isn't a simple switch one can push to undo the death of "god" in modern people's conception, but just as the ancient and medieval conception changed a lot, so will the conception of divinity in the post industrial, post western world