>>19118016>to look out forThere are unlimited numbers of shithouse psychologists on YT, trying to sell a course or a book. Because nobody is going to buy their stupid book, and their competition gives all the info for free, and these are dumb bitches anyway... You can get all the "red flags" and "signs you may be dating a ____" content you desire without logging in. In fact, on my browser that is never logged in to YT, that is the majority of shit that it serves, because everything is set to pander to psycho bitches, and they're probably buying views from YT to try and sell their books/programs, stupidly.
Simply watch these videos that are made by women, for women, that purport to be giving them juicy dirt on shit-testing dudes, and you'll quickly assess (with your superior man-brain) that not only are these retarded psycho-bitch-logists simply describing psycho bitches to avoid, but they're also describing themselves. It's part of the whole Autogynephilia complex. They can't help but broadcast their damage constantly, because they can't think past their own vaginas.
So ...Simply watch a few hours of this tripe and then go look at your favorite dating site. Every bitch on there can now be classified by her damage, and by crafting your description of the type of bitch you're looking for into a soft and positive version of the associated psychosis, and describing your traits that are in line with the dudes that form of crazy goes for, bitches will be all like "that's me!"/"that's my soul mate'!" and fling their pussies at you enthusiastically, rather than begrudgingly let you try and entertain them, while searching for/making up creepy vibes to tell their stablemates all about.
>TL;DR: Bitches think with their vaginas. Their vaginas are just as dumb and crazy as them. Learn their psychological backwardizations, adopt the angles that work for that type and collect all the dumb cunts you want.