>>19121720You are not talking about National Socialism but about post war victors' propaganda about it. Violence is not inherent in it, nor exclusive to it (just look at jews right now). Ethnic angle was not of supremacist nature, it was merely to build high trust society - people who are closely related by blood care about each other more. It was and still is fairly popular in Asia, Arab world and South America. I don't mean that they are National Socialist there but that they preferred dealing with axis powers than the Jewish controlled Anglo camp. Nazis were more respectful and honorable when dealing with other cultures. Also there are examples of other races constructing Nazi inspired social orders. It can be easily argued that this funny mix of communism and capitalism that Chinks adopted is their form of National Socialism. Also Arabian Bathism (popular till this day) is their own Third Positionist ideology.
You sir, are an absolute idiot and a system drone.