i always knew there were problems with the new testament
“matthew” quoting jeremiah in matthew 27:9-10 when the correct prophet is zechariah
the virgin birth narrative which contradicts messianic requirement of a davidic king
the virgin birth not being mentioned anywhere in the new testament except for two instances, in matt and luke
the contradictions concerning salvation — take a look at the beatitudes and then keep reading to see their meaning dashed away
i believe jesus is real despite the nt’s flaws, and strengthened my faith
https://youtu.be/pfheSAcCsrE?si=rA543ursUR-brnW9christianity is the synagogue of satan not simply because they worship man’s edited book and call it The Word, but because most christian believe paul over jesus
and paul says you have to know the correct list of facts about the savior in order to be saved, or else you are wicked
1 corinthians 15:1-4
why is it that jesus never says exactly what the gospel — the good news — is, in the four… gospels?