>>19156727Lack of responsibility and laziness.
This is the same mental process why blacks who rent (90% of blacks) will utterly destroy their rental property via neglect. Its not their house, ergo not their responsibility, so out of PRINCIPLE they will not maintain their home. They won't paint, won't clean windows, won't pick up things in their yard, etc.
If they do something that wasn't their specific responsibility, i.e., something they materially and individually benefit from, they see it as someone else getting over on them. They morally object to "getting played": someone getting over on them.
They see doing ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, that does not clearly and demonstrably benefit them immediately, as being a sucker or a chump.
It is why black neighborhoods globally, absent a taxpayer supported maintenance crew, are filled with litter and broken infrastructure.
In white neighborhoods there will be at least a few people who, if walking about, will pick up trash they see even if not in front of their own home. They understand that they are part of a community, a whole, and that to some extent, the litter reflects upon them. Also, they are able to realize that trash, if not picked up, will pile up and negatively affect them all eventually.
Blacks will not be the sucker, the whack chump to pick up trash someone else dropped. Even to the point where there will be rivers of trash eventually. They will stick to their guns forever, and not get played.
The smoke alarm is the same thing. Most of the time they see it as the landlord's responsibility. They do not see it as protecting them from dying in a fire. They just see a device the landlord made them put up, and by God they are not going to spend that $1.00 when its someone else who put it to there in the first place.
Thats also why more blacks die in house fires despite there being fire alarms. Its not because they don't hear the alarm, but because they kept shit real, and didn't get change batteries.