but but but i thought tranimal erp is wholesome and nice and friendly and uwu silly! why are they so meany weany and aggressive? y-you mean to tell me that it's a farce? a heckin' charade? that it's all make-belief virtue-signaling mental masturbation when the tripfaggot tries to rationalize his embarassing 3 word spam threads? that being fake nice in derivative manchild threads doesn't magically justify years of hostility and thousands of posts worth of no self-awareness brainrot drivel made in a fit of rage induced by taking le fourchins too seriously? that projecting sociobehavioral constructs onto animals doesn't undo one's embarrassing post history? (edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger) that talking like an idiot doesn't cleanse your soul of the filth that accumulates from within? that there is actually no way to fix the cracks you made whilst carelessly chiseling your personality? that there is no easy way out? w-well i bet youre're seething when they make the low iq spam thread. yeah you're seething because of how wholesome and pure of heart tranimal roleplay is. yeah, seethin-NO WAIT DON'T THRIDDEN PLEASE