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ID:YCioGPuf No.19213924 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The earth is round.

Space is real, infinite in size, and is approximately 13.7 - 14.5 billion years old.

12 million+ people were murdered in the Holocaust, 6 million of whom were Jews.

Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and 10 other people have walked on the surface of the Moon, all of them Americans.

9/11 was a terrorist attack plotted by Osama Bin Laden and Khaled Sheik Mohammed motivated by their extremist interpretation of Islam and their hatred of the United States and western culture.

Race is a social construct with no scientific definition.

Intelligence is determined by a combination of genetics (nature) and environment (nurture).

Global warming is real and is caused mostly by human greenhouse gas emissions.

Sars-Cov 2, the virus which causes COVID-19, was created through gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The COVID vaccines are neither particularly safe nor especially effective.

There is no evidence that childhood vaccines such as the measles vaccine cause autism or Down's syndrome, which are caused by genetic abnormalities.

There are chemicals in the water from wastewater runoff and that are turning male fish into female fish.

Homosexuality is caused entirely by environmental factors, including the environment of the womb.

Abortion is killing a genetically unique individual human being that is neither a part of its mothers' body, nor merely a "clump of cells". A fetus is no different from an infant.