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the FINAL red pill

No.19247796 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
a full breakdown of the jews religious beliefs and how it ties into what they're trying to accomplish IN THE POLITICAL ARENA:

if you have a low IQ or cannot grasp abstract concepts don't bother reading these images. you'll also need some basic level of understanding in philosophy, metaphysics, the occult and Christianity. if you don't get it, that's okay, this thread wasn't for you

after you read through the first 3 images, check this collage to see examples of how these symbols and subconscious psychological archetypes manifest themselves in our world

at EXACTLY 8:10 in this doco, fully explains the false hegelian dialectic and relates to all the images posted thus far:

a more recent example of the false hegelian dialectic (short clip. notice the trinity/trident):

an example of an artificially polarized world they may be creating. the fake opposition that the antichrist will supposedly "save" us from (short clip):

and this is how you REALLY get saved. 3 ESSENTIAL videos (MUST WATCH):