>>19252090>Ctrl+F "ni">n bombs everywhere>see picrelYeah, it's not necessarily 110% about skin color, is it? It kind of is, or for a large majority and the given propensities towards such a trend, we say, "Black people are niggers." But what we really should be saying is "The status of an Ar¥an* is earned, not something you're born with."
The kind of Ar¥an world we want to live in can only be built by qualified people with a monopoly of intelligence and power that comes through these qualities. Niggers by themselves are niggers. People who randomly and obliviously call them monkeys and niggers are also niggers. Niggers who think that having money, power, or "religion" makes them a human being are still niggers, e.g. – especially – Arabs, muslims, "christians", etc.
As an Asian person, I need to make sure my half Ar¥an citizenry is passed onto my children by raising them to be a good and cultured person at the minimum level. I'm still quite crude and not very well educated, I don't have good genetics, and have a sticky and complex plethora of issues that make me not able to be the person I could be. But at the least, my children can still be (or respected AS EQUAL by) Ar¥ans provided they are raised in non-nigger ways. But I suppose it's so much easier said than done these days and things are becoming more and more polarized (conservative vs "liberal", intelligent vs moronic, Ar¥an vs nigger) I don't think people like me will have much of a choice as how our children will end up.
...are crazy manifestos like this why I never get laid?
*Jewpolizei here will arrest me for the use of the real word