>>1926075An Example of an Idea that I don't really care for would basically be a retelling of WW2 from the Axis perspective, just set in the future with shape-shifting aliens.
There are three people that command giant armies of mechs to fight against these shape-shifting aliens, and these shape-shifting aliens are all bound by an ancient covenant that states that they will dominate the people that are not their kind, and that it is their job to exterminate all "non-aliens".
These three mech armies are all part of this bigger organization which directly opposes these shape-shifting aliens, but with a bigger plan.
Anyways, the three mech commanders are all victorious in the beginning of their space war but begin to get condemned by other space countries because those space countries all have grudges against those mech commanders. Said grudges are manipulated and utilized as a vehicle by the shape-shifting aliens for those space countries to claim the mech commanders as the enemy.
Or, "You couldn't forget the past, you couldn't forget pride. You could've had good things, but you didn't, because someone told you to refuse peace from your former enemies."
In the end, it is revealed that this entire fight, the victories, the losses, everything; was set up by that bigger organization as part of bringing humanity onto the course of "Ultimate Salvation", or the end of the world.
These big gnostic guys already knew the outcome of things, and that they would "lose", humanity would die, etc. But the mech commanders didn't.
TL;DR: Big gnostic kabbalah sufi dudes know that the world is going to end, so they initiate their doomsday plan by using oblivious but victorious mech pilots. The pilots didn't know the outcome, but the gnostic men did.
Meaning of it all: Ignorance can be bliss, and don't keep up petty grudges, it might bring you onto the course of cosmic death and rebirth.