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ID:pcU82tcu No.19254870 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I remembered a documentary about the amish (or mennonites), specifically a scene about one of the believers leaving and talking shit about their community and something occured to me.
He was bragging about he could now drive a car, and was even driving around members of the amish community, as were that worth it, since he has lost everything in exchange for being able to drive.
With the Amish he had social cohesion, a community that resisted modern values, and with the doomed English he will have some unfaithful slut wife that won't give him even one kid. By losing him, the Amish by all means won, because there is no point in keeping in a rogue element like that to benefit from the spiritual labour of the Christians.
Natural selection is rigged against nonchristians, so nonchristians should be returned to the wildlife around ourselves to perish among the apostates while the christians prosper and thrive.
Future generations of Christians will only become more robust and adapt to modernity, and their numbers will only increase. The secularity of the current time is just a historical anomaly that will be ironed out until our society will again resemble the medieval one just with iphones and brain surgery added on top.