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426KiB, 1510x1370, pol Anons Are Unsuccessful Thinking-Within-The-Box Numbnuts.jpg
Quoted By: >>19260015 >>19260016 >>19260018 >>19260028 >>19260029 >>19260030 >>19260031 >>19260032 >>19260033 >>19260037 >>19260038 >>19260040 >>19260043 >>19260044 >>19260046 >>19260051 >>19260053 >>19260055 >>19260056 >>19260058 >>19260061 >>19260063 >>19260065 >>19260068 >>19260073 >>19260077 >>19260078 >>19260082 >>19260084 >>19260085 >>19260093 >>19260094 >>19260096 >>19260101 >>19262328
Hey, so I was in the other original thread I got this image from. The one where it was filled with /pol/ anons who were such dumbfucks they couldn't comprehend this chick making $34k/week for 2 weeks on Wall-Street in December. Literally the best they could think why was either because she was a CCP Spy and/or because Wall-Street dudes were Sperglords.
MORONS. She's basically a Professional Fantasy Girlfriend - she doesn't just fuck, you inbreds. While you mopey fucks make fantasy threads about Far-Right Tomboy GFs and Traditionalist yet Sexually-Assertive Robot Waifus; Rich Workaholic Competitive MFers who actually understand "Time = Money" pay to have that similar fantasy without the bullshit.
It's like the Japanese and their Geishas (which the Japanese are at least honest about): Escorts do more than just Professionally Fuck:
>Entertain your coworkers, friends, and guests.
>Partake with you in hobbies enthusiastically YOU want to do.
>Add atmosphere to the festivities ("Go play the piano/violin/harp/etc. in the living-room and let know everyone you're with me so they know the talented mfers I roll with).
>Have someone you can have fun conversations you want ("Bitch, go study this subject as much as you can and then come back to me - I wanna talk about it.").
MORONS. She's basically a Professional Fantasy Girlfriend - she doesn't just fuck, you inbreds. While you mopey fucks make fantasy threads about Far-Right Tomboy GFs and Traditionalist yet Sexually-Assertive Robot Waifus; Rich Workaholic Competitive MFers who actually understand "Time = Money" pay to have that similar fantasy without the bullshit.
It's like the Japanese and their Geishas (which the Japanese are at least honest about): Escorts do more than just Professionally Fuck:
>Entertain your coworkers, friends, and guests.
>Partake with you in hobbies enthusiastically YOU want to do.
>Add atmosphere to the festivities ("Go play the piano/violin/harp/etc. in the living-room and let know everyone you're with me so they know the talented mfers I roll with).
>Have someone you can have fun conversations you want ("Bitch, go study this subject as much as you can and then come back to me - I wanna talk about it.").