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new years resolution

ID:h0P3kKze No.19287247 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i will try, instead of giving two cent suggestions and worthless opinions to others' work, to support and encouragement others when they are struggling to fulfill their creative vision.

i will also try to be more aware of this negative voice inside of me that keeps using self deprecating humour. even if i am doing it in jest, or even admitting fault, it does me no good. i'd like to start turning it around by looking at the flipside, and only saying the positive version.

so, for example, if i forget something simple, i'll usually say, "oh, i'm stupid". i think it can be flipped around by saying, "i'm just the best at forgetting" and it maintains the humour without letting go of the positivity.

hopefully the new year bears bountiful fruit for you all. bury rizzmas, /bant/.