Hate-india threads rekt - Over 200+
Time - Just 3 weeks
K:D ratio - Over 6.3
JIDF-kike & dravidian nigger shills' status: demoralized
Kitne aadmi the? Just 1 legit-anon north indian, So, imagine what 300 North Indian offwhite OG Aryan 1.0s could do to the kikes.
JIDF is a subset of Shareblue, the blackrock of shilling. And most of the employees of this deplorable outfit are not kikes themselves, but subhuman south indian dravidian niggers. There are 100s/1000s of fake IT "Parks" all over south india where all these shills operate from, shilling not only on /pol/ but twitter, reddit, facebook, everywhere! These dravidian niggers are not ancestral to India. ASI (Ancestral South Indians) is an anglokike lie, these dravidian niggers were sent by the kikes from ethiopia 3000 years ago to south india via sri lanka, on the very first niggerboats in the world. Yes, what's being done to you now in europe, has already been done to India long long ago! I hate these poojiths more than you, and i will aid you in making 10x more hate threads against them, but only if you label the memes, webms and thread subjects correctly as "hate dravidian threads" and not "hate india threads". The kikes deliberately post dravidian things and label them as "indian", why? Your pathetic infertile lands are of no interest to the shrewd evil kikes. They plan to make New Israel in North India and Pakistan (Indus) one day. Too bad for them the muslims have had enough and so have the Russians and Chinese and TKD is imminent and inevitable. Stupid kikes, you will have no land, not even USA will accept you snakes now, you're done for. TKD. TDD. Jai Hind.