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No.19330829 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
As a Christian, I'm having trouble reconciling the fact that Jesus was Jewish himself and Christianity originally was intended as a fulfilment of Jewish prophecy first and foremost. Gentiles were only allowed in after some hundred years after the formation of the church. It doesn't make any sense that God should favor only one specific group of people rather than revealing himself universally to the rest of the world. One shouldn't have to go through a Jewish-based faith to reach God, they should be able to pray or connect with directly to him. All this does in the mind of a gentile is elevate the position of Jewish people. They begin to believe these people have some special covenant with God since that's what scripture mentions and Jesus believed in the same scripture. The Israel-Gaza war shows us very clearly who Jewish people are and the general feeling of the whole world is disgust towards them and their bloodthirsty culture. Theirs nothing holy or blessed about them and I feel ashamed how many Christians continue to support them despite what they've done.