>>19332887just anonymous
>>19332900i only ever tried to deny my feelings and forget about her. my dream kinda came as a surprise because i thought i'd finally moved on. it's not that life now isn't where i want it to be at all, because i find the time to enjoy it. it might just be a baggage stowed deep in the recesses of my mind that begs to be known. it used to be worse, i used to think everything was pointless, but now i can muster up enough energy to give the appearance i'm still alive inside.
i sometimes think it borders on unhealthy obsession, maybe the natural consequence of being lonely and spending your days in isolation from the rest of the world. maybe it just is what is is, and that i can find solace in knowing i wasn't the only one, like dante's beatrice... chopin's maria wodzińska... romeo's juliette...
well, whatever. if it's one thing i'm good at, it's keeping myself numb. wherever you are, out there in the world, i hope you aren't waiting for me, as there is no path back. all i ask is to please enjoy your life... i'll try to enjoy mine...