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ID:hJNZxrjG No.19338378 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>aryan übermensch
>at gym today
>peacefully mewing and listening to aryan classics (the usual)
>currently doing biceps exercise
>2 shit skins and a nigger take the dumbell next to me
>they are loud and annoying (the usual)
>decide to absolutely mog them out of existence
>analyze the situation
>all of them have a negative canthal tilt, receding hairline, dry or dirty skin and weak body structure
>get as close to them as possible without making it wierd
>lock in
>they lifted tiny weights so it was no problem outlifting them
>if they grunted, i grunted louder
>one took of his shirt so i did too
>they soon realized i was mogging them
>they tried to mog me back but it was no use
>2 years of mewing and lifting finally paid of
>they left ashamed for how hard i beat them
>sleep peacefully knowing they will have supressed sexual thoughts of me in the future

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