Last time i had sleep paralysis was really funny
my cellphone was broken
shadow came into my room and just emitted like pure fear and i was like
>no, take him insteadand i just said no and shot a beam at my phone and when i woke up it worked again
I had to steal 2 new ones anyway
really funny story, i spent like A LONG TIME psyching myself up to replace my dying cellphone and when i finally went though with my plan, the model i wanted wasnt available and i just heard like this canned laughter in my head and i knew they were fucking with me.
the one i got was terrible, so i had tk get another one
that was on the eclipse, i got so drunk, i wrapped it i my gray coat, i was wearing red, then i just walked out.
I stabbed it over and over again for some reason ubtil i was covered in my own blood and the security box broke.
It was an abduction ritual from hell
gray means rat, red is devil
i fed my blood to the ticket machine at the train station
>feed me a stray catso this cellphone is actually satan.