[24 / 7 / 21]

96KiB, 750x1334, i-cant-believe-people-make-profiles-like-this-v0-qek1zinmgtn81.jpg
Quoted By: >>19361717 >>19361720 >>19361721 >>19361726 >>19361727 >>19361729 >>19361730 >>19361731 >>19361737
>Wanting to add more pussy juice into my regular healthy diet
>Using tinder but getting unacceptable amount of matches
>Pictures apparently seems to be shitty, aayy lmao tier
>Even professional pictures doesn't work
>Good looking IRL and hooked up with fine girls before
Why the fuck is it like this? Everytime someone take photos I turn stiff and appear unnatural. Friends doesn't run around with cameras either. Do I need to hire a dog or something? I want to know what makes women swipe right.
Please no incel bullshit like you must be a rich 10/10 chad to score
>Using tinder but getting unacceptable amount of matches
>Pictures apparently seems to be shitty, aayy lmao tier
>Even professional pictures doesn't work
>Good looking IRL and hooked up with fine girls before
Why the fuck is it like this? Everytime someone take photos I turn stiff and appear unnatural. Friends doesn't run around with cameras either. Do I need to hire a dog or something? I want to know what makes women swipe right.
Please no incel bullshit like you must be a rich 10/10 chad to score