>>19371515You can realistically only talk about tunnel kikes for so long.
Here's the facts:
Kikes dug random tunnels in NYC and every major city where a synagogue is located
Kikes rape kids in those tunnels
Kikes said Hamas was raping kids in tunnels, turns out it was always just the kikes. Just like the holocaust was just Jews telling on themselves of what they did previously and not something that happened to them.
Kikery Epstein was a Mossad agent and gathered massive amounts of kompromat on most goyim leaders, hence the worship of jews in general amongst America's businesses and government.
Kompromat is stored in the tunnels because kikes feel safe enough to rape kids there, so why not store media of others raping kids there.
Every single myth of goblins, trolls, and cave-dwelling creates that come out of the ground to steal kids was always just the jews.
Great, fantastic. None of this is news unless you're an ultra newfag to not just this board, but the Earth itself.
Now what the fuck do you eat?