>>19387579You guys have to realize that women are actually really easy. You just have to talk to them and give off a positive vibe. Yes, not every woman is going to want to fuck you if you do those two things, but some of them will go to prom with you IF YOU ASK THEM.
A lot of normie girls in high school go to all their high school dances not really thinking much about the guy at all. They just want to go to have a good time and because it's something they are suppose to do at that age. Your job is to make sure they have a good time and maybe snag a kiss. It's unlikely you're getting any cookie unless she's also a bit of slut or a pushover. So while you're over-analyzing your next move this ugly nigger is asking her to the dance.
That's just the truth and I get it. While media worships niggers they also celebrate the decline of the White male. If you're a little White kid and you hear you're a fucking racist piece of shit and everyone wants you excluded from everything because you're White and male, are you going to have the confidence of a nigger who is 200,000 years behind in evolution?