national socialism is an ideology that was rebranded mamy times
it has characteristics of right wing nationalism and left wing socialism
these two when both are applied somewhere are not seperated from each other, it leads to "control of the national capital within one's country" this is extremely dangerous to modern day globalist governments, a nation like germany achieved in few years under this thought what america couldnt in decades, not just that, national banks lead to complete isolation from the global banking system, imagine, all the wealth of germany instead of being sent to be controlled by a questionable currency system to be used in globalist agendas, is being used by the german peoples.
and no NOT just that, this thought has socialism without internationalism, it builds a very nationalistic mindset within the people
many countries in the past enforced this system, germany, Iraq, japan, libya, italy, do you know what those have in common? they were all destroyed by the allies, not just economically destroyed, not just manufacturally destroyed, but they destroyed their mental states, they wanted to erase the nationalist mindset, it was dangerous, this is why they either force civil wars or zog propaganada
isnt that not so much poggers?